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Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am not about stifling information.

My time on this planet, in this existence, began in 1966. I have studied the idea of slavery from many different points of view. Of course, I was first exposed to the notion or idea from the government school system along with the pop-culture device known as television. Yes, I do see it with regularity. I am not about stifling information.

I have known slaves to the needle; either tattoos or junk. I have known slaves to the bottle. Slaves to tobacco. Slaves to social disorder. But the one that frightens me more than any other is the slave to money.

Are you a slave to money? Do you have extraordinary debt? Are you enticed to consolidate your slavery to only one master payment plan? Are you free? Are you? Free from what? Are you free from a seven year car loan? Are you free from a thirty year mortgage that has a hidden balloon payment that can crush your security and leave you and your loved ones scrambling to find a two room apartment due to your credit score? Credit, now there is a scary thing.

Do you have all your student loans paid off? Are you able to save anything from your earnings? Are you putting your faith in an investment firm of some sort that could blow up at any time? Have you done a reverse mortgage? Are you free? Free from the modern-day slavery also known as debt?

The thing is, debt has turned our society into absolute slavery. To be up to your neck in debt if you lose your source of income, how long do you think you will survive? Will your standard of living be affected right away? Or are you in the position to be free from debt?

Once one recognizes that they are a slave, the anger sets in. They speak with others suffering the same oppression. Then, at some point, the uprising against the master of the slave starts to be discussed. The uprising starts once the slave understands that they are enslaved by someone else.

Throughout history, the story is the same. Slaves rise up against their master and rebel and take over. When are the enslaved of the current society going to wake up and understand that they are slaves to the all mighty dollar? That they will not be free due to their never-ending cycle of debt or blind faith in some investment firm? The firm is making money off you, if you were not aware. I seriously doubt that anyone reading this did not know that; I am just ranting. Ranting so that maybe another person can be awakened to the fact that massive debt is nothing more than slavery. What if? What if the slaves stopped complying with the demands? What if we rose up against the lenders and said, “Enough!”?


 Dog Hair Productions

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ghosts... Ghost story... Unedited.

Ghost stories or are they?

I was laughed at and ridicule for having a belief… I believed in a magical person who could be everywhere and bring glad tidings.

All I had to do was behave myself and good things would be rewarded to me for my faith in this magical sprit. I was told that the magical spirit knew, if I was good or bad asleep or awake. Yet I was laughed at for believing in such a thing. By about age six or seven the reality began to set in. The reality of the absolute impossibility of the mythical persons ability to have such fantastic power.

Years and years went by… Some of the same detractors began telling me of the enormous magical healing powers of a concept, a faith that could heal me and save me and protect me from evil. All I had to do was behave and do the right thing. The magical power of this entity would reward me if I played by the rules. The rules as written by mere mortal men under the pen name called God.

If I did not play by the rules I was most certainly doomed. To be forever banished to the fiery pits of hell by the all loving… Whatever. I would not receive any rewards. If! If I did not play by the rules as written by men under the pen name of God.

As acquaintances got older their faith and absolute conviction to the concept of the mythical, magical, and all knowing was no laughing matter. Yet I fail to see any distinction to the concept of a child that believes in Santa Clause as opposed to a adult that believes in… Well I think you get the picture. So I wondered why was it wrong, or considered ridiculous to believe in Santa?

Yet it is an acceptable practice to rename the concept and have absolute faith in it. Not sure but I suspect… That if I were to laugh at others for their belief in a magical phenomenon I would be subject to ridicule and mocked for having even asked the question. The only word that has come to mind over many years is hypocrisy. Mine or theirs no matter it is the word that keeps coming up. Much like fungus.

I don’t think it is fair to laugh at others who have a belief system that differs from my own. Any more than it is fair to ridicule and bludgeon others that do not believe in my imaginary friends. It is all a matter of one persons concept. Isn’t it?

If I were to start having my own imaginary friends that I spoke with, and it turned out that only I could see and only I could hear, many would be quick to judge me as insane. Treatments would be recommended mind altering drugs would be prescribed. As long as my imaginary friends were not of a massive movement, I would be considered insane.

If I was to tell you I am a conduit of both joy and sadness. Most would look upon me in a rather quizzical manner. Sympathetic along with harsh judgments. Many would quietly pass their judgment and some would simply ridicule. I don’t fear or laugh at people of faith. Nor those that claim the idea that there is nothing to have faith in. Outside of themselves.

I do however fear the opiates of the masses. I have a healthy fear of fire, and water as well. Anything in great excess can be deadly. Dying is the natural order of things. However I don’t seek it. This goes back to something I once was told. With great conviction. “Without faith you are going to die.”

Well the statement still makes no sense to me. It suggested that I would live forever without faith. I stand by my response… “ I am a person of faith. I have nothing but absolute faith that this body one day will die… If that is not faith I do not know what is.”

I have heard stories of the possibility of the rising of the dead. Yet if I speak of having my own personal experience with any kind of spirits or ghost… I am back at the age of six all over again. Meaning many detractors will make a big show of how ridiculous I am for saying such things. Judgment of my sanity will be in question.

Yet many speak of a ghost a rising from the dead and have nothing but support from large numbers of people who claim to have the same faith. The belief in ghosts and magic. Some claim to speak with the ghost and that the ghost speaks thru them. Fair enough. Nothing to laugh at from my vantage point.

If the possibility of communication is there for the “holy ghost” then the possibility that I speak with or see ghosts that perhaps are not “holy” is just as plausible. On the days of worship those masses are not being diagnosed with schizophrenia they are left alone. So I fear no psychosis nor judgment from the psychological community.

I may not fear as I mentioned above, but yet I find myself having to defend myself, much like those who claim to have absolute faith in their spirit world.

See how this works… Faith is opening a doorway to all sorts of ridicule from many directions. Much like the ridicule I endured as a child for having faith in Santa Clause. The only true difference I see is we have bigger words and more treacherous means in which we ridicule and bludgeon those who have any sort of faith. Faith against those who do.. Along with those who claim to have none.

I am a seeker and have been for many years. A seeker of spirituality. I sought out a faith, a belief in something greater than myself. I unwittingly became a seeker because I wanted understanding. The understanding that I have come to at this crossroads in my current exisistence is that, we are not alone. In fact it is the complete opposite in my conclusions…


Chris: Hello?

The caller: Hey? Are you busy? You have not been answering all day? Wondered if you were home with the ringer off or were just ducking my call?

Chris: No, not ducking calls just had the headphones on.

The caller: Sure, sure of course you have. What are doing?

Chris: Have been working on a ghost story of sorts.

The caller: Ghost story?

Chris: Yeah in a round about way not sure if I can post it to the cyber world or not it challenges some rather fundamental beliefs from all sides of the worlds...

The caller: Oh! At that ol’ grail thingy again are you?

Chris: Well in a way. You could say I am pondering the notion of a belief structure.

The caller: As long as you are not being mean about it… I mean you can be rather abrasive in your questions. You know what I mean…

Chris: Yes, I know and no! I am not being to abrasive… Of course to some once I question anything it is abrasive isn’t it???

The caller: Well as long as you take care of the steps that you are taking.
Chris: Yes indeed… I uh…

The caller: Is it bloody mayhem or is it some other sort of thing you are doing?

Chris: I wondered about the “Holy ghost” today… and thought hold on there…

The caller: Oh good god I already know, look dear, you know by even questioning anything you cause all sorts to. Well get all out of sorts. You understand?


Chris: Yes I understand.
The caller: Well as long as your busy and continuing to question I have no worries about your questions. Just please try to remember that others may not see this as something they wish to have challenged, neither side actually looks to be challenged do they? You know, just remember that questions are not so much your problem as sometimes it is… Well… The answers.


The caller: Are you there? Did I lose you or are just being stoic?

Chris: No I am here, always seem to be right here in the middle of not sure… I was wondering about that matter we were in a discussion about the other day? You remember don’t you?

The caller: Of course I do silly. You need not worry yourself about it. Although I know you will. You do seem to take on the worry of the world for some reason.

Chris: You know why… You know that I was and have been getting lots of indications…

The caller: You mean visitation… Correct?

Chris: Well lets not go into all of that just now please.

The caller: Excuse me. It is you currently writing a ghost story not I…

Chris: No, no, I just meant…

The caller: No matter, just do us this one favor. As I always plead with you …

Chris: Yes, yes I know… You don’t…

The caller: Well I am going to say it so we both know that it was said. Especially if you are on your bloody ghost quest again. I hear it in your voice. Good thing we are not in the same room...

Chris: Damn good thing!

The caller: Please do not run this one out to the web, without it going past the editor. You can do that can’t you? Surely you can do that?

Chris: Is that a question or a command from the wannabe superiors? Uhh… That was a question and a joke.

The caller: I know damn well what it was! All I am asking is that you please hold off. Please?

Chris: So sorry got to break this call off for now, but thank you for checking in. As always most pleasant.

The caller: Fine, fine, I know you need to get back to your holy grail. Just please have this proof read prior to any posting or any submissions.

Chris: Submissions? I have no plan for any submarine missions… (ha, ah, ha.)

The caller: You know what I meant now stop being so damn cheeky.

Chris: I have cheeks… (snicker snicker)

The caller: Please lets not turn this into some sort of sexual reference…

Chris: I am a male what would you expect?

The caller: Now that is such a tired poor excuse… Really Chris, you like all males underestimate the female s sex drive. Oh damn it all. I am not having that debate or any further discussion about sexual exploits with you. You are on a roll aren’t you. Well enough of that…

Chris: If you say so. I could go further…

The caller: I am certain you could, but not with me.

Chris: As you wish.

The caller: What I wish? What I wish is that you would just simply listen to the requests and follow thru with them so that we need not have these sort of back and fourth banters each time I call.

Chris: Well then perhaps you need to follow thru on that other deal we have… and… not just keep blowing …

The caller: Yes, I know as you love to say, “Smoke up your ass.”

Chris: Speaking of… I do need to go solve that problem. Smoking that is.

The caller: Will check back in a few days time. Good bye.


OK, here it is… You can’t have it both ways. If there is a possibility of one ghost then there is the possibility of multiple ghosts. Along with leprechauns, easter bunnies fairies elves extra terrestrials and any of the other magical mythical entities. That people may have or will speak of.

We all share many similarities we all share a desire for comfort. (One persons comfort is another persons torture.) So who am I to say that a spirit did not rise from the dead. Who am I to say that others besides my self have not had communication from a spirit world? In turn who are you to say that I am not a conduit that feels others suffering and joy? If I was to tell you everything that my seeking has produced some might have me committed.

The thing is judgment in a spiritual world makes no sense to me. Love your faith and lead by example. Leave your judgment at the door or the curb so that you can shine like the star you all are. Judgment will only dim your light. Peace to you all. Whatever your faith. May it be peaceful to those you come into contact with. So that they may learn of peace.


Dog Hair Productions

Chris... | A Conversation With An Assassin | CD Baby

Chris... A Conversation With An Assassin CD Baby

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Careful, you might just find it.

Some have said that I am easily astonished. Easily impressed. Whether or not that is entirely true is of no matter. I have my moments of pessimism; of cynicism. I have moments where I am worried and wringing my hands as I pace throughout the day, wondering if it is all going to work out.

Then, like a bag being filled with air and being popped, I realize…I am pacing with worry. If I have the ability to worry and pace, I have the claim to being alive. With that knowledge, that I am breathing and able to think, then why not look for the positive; the positive in that absolute truth. The fact that I am alive. Despite the odds. Reducing worry lines is looking at the other side of the coin…not cucumber slices on my eyelids.

There need not be a special holiday for one to understand that the gift of life is right in front of you. With that knowledge, it is all up for grabs. I see it everyday. So why would I waste the moment in the labyrinth of worry? I spent the better part of my twenties consumed with worry and doubt. I faced life- changing events and lived through them for the better part of my thirties. Here in my forties, I get to look back at a bloody, fricken miracle…Survival!
So when the little things come up, or the big ones, I am able to take refuge in the fact that I have made it this far. What the heck do I have to complain about? Wait for it…Give me a moment, I will find something to either complain about or sing praise for.

Every so often, the order of things gets shook up - mixed up - held up. Sometimes the truth is held for ransom. I suppose it is a matter of whether or not you have the willingness to pay the price for a truth as presented from somebody else’s point of view. This is where one gets to look at his or her faith. Careful, you might just find it.

Remember, unless we are discussing mathematical equations or scientific facts as the basis of a truth, the subject is subject to being challenged. Hell, even scientific facts get challenged every so often by some upstarts looking to make a name for themselves. Then, I suppose, we are back to the drawing board as they say. 1 + 1 = ??

Gravity seems to be a constant. However, even gravity gets challenged at times when something stronger comes stumbling through. I believe in gravity. A fantastic, powerful force and yet, with a little effort, I can lift a pen that is held in place by gravity. Of course, my opinions are not always popular. Of course, some might say I am wrong. Right?

Asking questions is necessary for growth. To not question, not seek, is stagnation. The moment I think I know everything I need to know, I find myself humbled by the simplest of events; then the questions start all over again. Without questions, one finds no answers. Without answers, one remains ignorant. It is simply a matter of what it is you want to do. One persons truth may set them free while it imprisons others.

A great question from a lecture given by Dr. Michio Kaku, “If the moon goes around the earth, the earth goes around the sun, what does the sun go around?” The answer? The sun goes around a black hole in the constellation Sagittarius at the center of the Milky Way galaxy! Now what??? One could surmise that we are all spinning into a great abyss. Perhaps the bending of time, etc., etc., etc. So, in hearing this, I had to sit back and truly wonder…What is there to be that worried about?

I scoff at many things and I take many things with a grain of salt. Yet I find that the world, the universe, is around my being. My being here lets me ask and listen to what it is that the universe has to offer. I fear nothing while fearing it all. “It” is something that I wish to know…No I don’t! Who am I kidding? Me, I suppose. Then again, I fool myself daily, or nightly, or in the early morning. Will I mourn the loss of my understanding? Not to worry. I will be seduced by the delusion of absolute clarity again and again. The cycle will spin, as the planets do around the stars.

“It” is all subject for question. Many questions you might pose to me or I might pose to you. And here we are, questioning the entire mess that has been so neatly brought to us in text books written by our “forefathers“, despite that I only have one. You may say I have four, I say I have one….Now what? Another series of inane questions?

How do we know that other creatures roaming this planet are not having the same questions we as homo sapiens? It is rather difficult to know for sure that a dog or a silverback gorilla is not pondering things similar to those we think about. Our species is able to record thoughts on paper or whatever device is handy. That a dog or dolphin cannot does not mean that they are unable to contemplate the meaning of their own existence. To draw such a conclusion, from my point of view…from where I sit, seems rather arrogant.

I understand arrogance far too well. I can be one of the most pompous asses on the sidewalk. There is no shortage of individuals in this world that would deny the statement I just made.

At one time, there were many highly paid individuals who made it their mission to denounce me and to point out that my arrogance knows no bounds. Funny part was, I saw the bill; about eight million dollars were spent to show I was raving lunatic. The opposition did not need to spend all that money. I would have conceded to the fact for nothing. Now, who were the true lunatics back then? It did not cost me anything economically. In fact, I prospered from it very well thank you! And, my integrity was intact at the end of that battle. Call me crazy, you won’t be the first nor the last. Well you know…the ever elusive, mysterious confusion. Boy, it is exhausting to be me sometimes.
**Hello??? Still here??? Still going through this rant of observation???**

Not everything is going to make sense all of the time. Now what will you do with that kernel of information? Do you seek total sense? Let me know when you find it; I’ll buy a copy for future reference. I am prepared for many editions as sense will forever be updated by those who claim to have “it” fully understood.

My life partner told me once, in reference to a baseball game, “It’s baseball; anything can happen.” I have found that that turn of phrase has, and is, applicable to everything. It is a nugget of truth that I cherish everyday. Sometimes, just the brush of my partners hand can completely change my entire outlook. Much like the phrase, “It’s baseball; anything can happen.”

I offer you all the thanks and praise you have so rightly earned and deserve! The skies have opened and the rain of dreams is pouring upon you! I shall not try to cover you from them; bathe in them. Thank you all that have been there, supporting the dream!!!

Greatness is only as far away as your doubt. Never doubt yourself. There are too many in line ready to do that for you.

Anything can happen…I’m ready, how about you?!?!


Dog Hair Productions

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yesterdays paranoid delusions are today’s harsh reality.

Terrorism happened with airplanes on 9-11-01. The result has been and is an extreme state of airline paranoia that has become a large industry. We… Well most know and understand this. International terrorism touched the USA with airplanes one day.

So why in the hell are there not back ground checks prior to renting a moving van. Has everyone forgotten that domestic terrorism took place here on our hallowed soil in Okalahoma. Last I checked it weren’t no airplane. It was a damn rental truck full of fertilizer and heating oil. Yet I can rent one with absolutely no back ground check no scanners, no questions at all. As long as I have the means to pay for it they will gladly give me the keys.

The money makers have tapped into this absolutely idiotic notion that the only way the so called terrorist is going to attack is from the air. Excuse my language here… Wake the fuck up! Where in the Sam hill is the ACLU when it comes to the TSA?

“Oh but we are safer… We need the TSA, they are preventing another 9-11.” Really? Are we?” Are you? Am I? I don’t think so… Do you really feel safer? I think we as a nation have been lulled into a state of fear and a false notion we are safer...  Look how difficult is it to board a train? How tough is it to board a bus? Rent a car? Rent a big truck? Charter a private plane? I know some get what I am pointing out. I know some are going to be screaming about civil liberty. So why is the TSA allowed to focus on one form of transportation and not the others. Well that is obvious to the casual observer. Money. Always follow the money.

Lets not hire folks for the front line work that are worth much more than a lower middle class wage. Lets again point out the simple fact… You get what you pay for. Had the TSA been on duty on 9-11 they would not have stopped a damn thing. The terrorist would have worked around it. Just like the next attack will be such a… “Oh my gosh we had no idea” response. The nation is reactionary. Not proactive in it’s ability to defend it self from a group or person that is hell bent on causing carnage.

There are five things that come to my mind that could be done to cause carnage.  If I was of the mind to be that lone crazy that could cause all sorts of problems. No airplane required. Oh and financing it would be a joke as well. It would not take a lot of cash to get the job done. (Whoops I bet I am on a list now.) So be it. Bring in all those so called experts and their schooling to question yours truly. I think they will write me off as some sort of crack pot any way. They missed all the signs in the past why would they have gotten any smarter since 9-11-01?

“Chris, Chris… You are asking for trouble by saying such things.”  Am I?  Well the freedom of speech and the ability to question is part of what liberty we trying to protect. The TSA however is not about protecting a god damned thing other than their funding that is filling some ones bank account. So they can go ahead and kiss my fluffy patooty! The TSA is not stopping anything. Metal detectors and other carry on limits seemed to have stopped another 9-11. Or did I sleep thru another one?

Oh did anyone notice that Amtrak is going to allow carry on guns again? Well I read/heard that somewhere. Look the govt. is reactionary nothing else. Has any one really been deterred from attacking again?

The big event that took place on 9-11, was heartbreaking, it haunts us. Large cooperation’s are loving it. They make money off the fear of the masses. They make money off of the erosion of the citizens rights. They make money. They make money off your fear.

I suppose in one way the TSA/ the government has succeeded, in that I will no longer fly on commercial airlines. Not as long as this absolute nonsense is going on. I will board a train, or a bus, or drive, or pool some funds with others for a private charter plane.

If you have a car with GPS or carry a hand held device you are being tracked when you least expect it. So be careful out there when renting a truck and needing large amounts of heating oil along with your fertilizer. Of course then again the TSA or what ever alphabet organization most likely won’t look at you that closely. So heat your home and grow your crops. But!!! Whatever you do, remove your body piercing prior to boarding a airline in this country.

The alphabet groups are hoping for hysteria. It is how they control you and I. It is how they can put their boot heel on our collective necks. One thing I am very disappointed with is how our president is not speaking out against the TSA. So be it. I am no longer flying on commercial airlines. And after writing this I am not renting any large trucks, possibly not even traveling anymore other than what I do in the privacy of my car.

Jezum Crow, I need to go hide now before the knock on my door. The D of HS could be here any minute and me with a bad hair day. They may even bring the FBI and some out of work CIA. Or most likely some sort of private mercenary that answers to none of the above. Terrorism, it is everywhere. Always has been. The real question people should be asking is just who are the actual terrorists?

Now the real question I am posing is… Who has the political will to do something about this farce called the TSA? Do you Mr. President? Do you have the political will to challenge this organization? At the very least hire people who know what the hell they are doing. End the madness at the airports.

In 1948 George Orwell wrote the book 1984. In that book a bleak future of extremely diminished freedom was described. I highly recommend for those who have read it to re-read it. For those have not read it give it a whirl. I also suggest Huxley’s, Brave New World.

This is 2010, we just weren’t expecting it to have such neat gadgets that would help the controlling of our movement. They also keep us very distracted.  I hear that some of the fancy gadgets act as a phone as well.
Off the soap box for now.

Dog Hair Productions
