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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sam's Dance

Thursday, November 10, 2011


While at a social gathering I was privileged to witness a rather humorous scene. It goes as follows…

A very slender stunning woman was leaning against a counter with all sorts of beverage options. She had been there only a short while. A young man walked in and noticed her right away. Yet with a bit of cool waited before making his approach. Not too long mind you, but he did approach the young woman and leaned up against the counter and introduced himself. She smiled and gave her name. The usual small talk was being exchanged. Then as things seemed alright he asked what she did? The woman responded with, “I have little patients…” The young man got visibly miffed. He interrupted her and said, “Hey I was just asking if you don’t want to talk with me that’s fine no need to get uppity with me.” The woman smiled and responded, “I’m a pediatrician.” The young man said “whatever” and left.

Ah, yet another lesson in the art of listening.

All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snail mail delivered the lay off notices to many state workers.

I wonder how voters feel about voting people out of jobs? Jobs that offer a living wage and a retirement plan. Well if you voted to take the state out of liquor sales be proud. Because that is what you did. Bravo more people out of work.

The elite pulled a fast one on those who voted for the state liquor stores to close up. Of course the elite prefer a populace that is intoxicated. They are much easier to manipulate and control. Now with the state out of it, we all can breathe free knowing that private enterprise is going to be in control of the controlled substance. Somebody’s lord knows it wasn’t working before. What a relief I can go to the store at midnight to buy a bottle of eighty proof or more. Somebody’s lord knows that, that is what the state needs. More opportunity for more drunk drivers. Hells bells a DUI conviction is about what ten or twelve grand now a days. Cottage industry for the state.

The arguments about safety etc. etc. think for a minute. The state had their stores and their staff. A very controlled environment for the sole purpose of the sale of liquor. That was it. A minor, walking into a liquor store stood out like a sore thumb. There was no other reason for “kids” to be in the store unattended. Young people/ minors / teenagers are going to have easier access. Brilliant! Of course I know that the ones who disagree seem to think that people will do the right thing and protect the youth. Yeah right… That happens everyday.

In a nation where youth still despite all the public education, mange to get pregnant. They hide it from people then after the birth of the baby simply toss it into a dumpster to let the baby die. (Ahem this is a future voter.)

Lets see more access to booze…More meaning that the sales of liquor will have a new set of hours unlike what the state stores have done in the past. A buzzed/ drunk 22 year old, an older sibling or whatever hanging around some 14 to18 year olds, say after 9:pm on any ol’ night. C’mon you have been there you know what is going to happen. Oh lets keep the scenario interesting it is a co-ed get together. Nope could never happen, it won’t happen. There won’t be any increase in teen drinking all hype. Then nine months later *POOF* as if by magic. Another baby born with alcohol fetal syndrome.

So lets up the anti. Take the state out of the education business. Abolish public schools. Their failure at preventing teen pregnancy is evident. Privatize it, the sooner the better. The people of the community will rise to the challenge, they would! You know that they would, if only the state would get out of the way.

Lets go further I don’t want to pay for municipal police & fire, that should be private as well. Put those people in education and public safety out of work strip their pensions. Let the people take care of themselves. I mean why not? The WA. voter has already demonstrated they don’t see taking jobs and pensions away as any sort of obstacle. They have done it and seem to be happy about it.

Jails/ prisons now there is another state/ county/ city institution that might as well be a private enterprise as well. We don’t need all this intrusion and those pesky checks and balances, they are cumbersome to our freedoms.

Again if only we the people were allowed our freedom we could hire and monitor ourselves. Free from the boot heel of oppression of the state on the backs of our necks.

While we are at it no more public transit. Think of all the money that will be saved. More to go to Costco with, to buy that free enterprise booze. Lets let privatization take over prisons, public safety, public transportation, and education. Oh wait a minute, no more county hospitals either. The sick in this country is already of no actual relevance, for the love of Sam that is clearly evident. The logic is the same. It is about state / government intrusion and stifling free enterprise. After all the people will rise up to the challenge and do the right thing. Yeah right.

Yes indeed the voter showed themselves for what they are, by coming to this conclusion that the state has no business in the control of a controlled substance. Some of the 99% have spoken. Well pleasant dreams knowing that the voter could care less for a group of the 99% who worked at the liquor stores and at the control board. Some of the 99% voted for more access to booze. While having zero regard for those who will be unemployed and the loss of their pensions that they paid into for years. I wonder if those who voted these people out of work are going to be willing help even one of those displaced? Well they might? It could happen… Yeah right.

The 99% was duped by the 1% yet again. I wonder if those same voters would be for the dismantling of the public education system? Well we already know that, that would be simply unfair to the all the teachers that paid into a pension.

Oh! Before anyone starts banging the drum about as to whether or not I played the game this year… Stop. I have every right to complain. Ahem I am a tax payer just like you.

I did not play the game. Like George Carlin said “you can’t blame me I didn’t vote for this…” or something like that. I refused. I offered my vote to the highest bidder nobody was interested in even buying my vote. Primarily I will not vote any further due to the fact that I have to put my trust in the USPS to get my vote counted. Yeah right… The check is in the mail.

So let me understand this, we the voters in this technologically advanced civilization are going to snail mail as a form of voting? Excuse me? Really? We in WA. Have that little ol’ computer company and we are going to snail mail? Yeah I’m going to trust that mail carrier to get the ballot there. For the last many weeks I have had trouble getting snail mail delivered and I am going to trust something as sacred as the vote to the likes of the USPS. Yeah right.

The ability to have polling booths that are linked is not that much of stretch you know. We have the technology.

As my Father would say… “Balls & crutches…” I don’t trust that the votes are accurately counted for the most part and now have to have a bigger leap of faith that the USPS is going to deliver it?

I mucked about for over a year with the I.R.S. on a matter of great economic importance. Who was the culprit in the huge waste of time? You got it the USPS. And now I am being told to trust the same organization to deliver the ballot? Balls & crutches indeed.

To the WA. voters that voted for the liquor state control board to get out of the liquor business. Well it shall be interesting to see what the numbers look like in the next few years. I truly hope I am wrong and the utopian of privatization of liquor sales works for the best.

To the workers who are about to lose their jobs and pensions. I wish all the displaced workers all the best. Maybe the private sector will be hiring with an even better wage and a better pension, now that the government has had one of it’s departments abolished. It could happen…

To those who were going to retire in the next five or so years, and just lost your pensions. Well you know who to blame. But I’m sure your neighbor who mailed their ballot that cost you your job and pension will take you in. Yeah right.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Sunday, October 23, 2011

We are all subject to the reality called human nature.

Speaking out against power structures does not scare me one bit. Been there done that… Not being able to speak out against them should scare the living hound dog bejeebus out of you if you “think” you can’t.

The (Seattle Police Department) SPD have had about a dozen cars on 4th Ave., along with their big mobile unit to keep an eye on the protesting in downtown for the last couple of weeks or more. This morning, they had two of their cars up inside the staging area that was full of protestors. Very few protesters this morning ( Saturday morning 10-22-11). SPD is a scary bunch; I think they like it that way…I could be wrong.

With all of the other things that go on in this little fishing village, you would think that they could better use the police elsewhere. That would be the logical presumption. However, what it is truly illustrating is that they have been ordered there by those who are nervous and looking to reclaim the illusions of freedoms. The illusions they spin out to the masses with the message, “Remain calm…All is well.” Think of Kevin Bacon in Animal House, it works better that way.

The powers that be simply can't have a body of people that stand up without being told to stand up. I have heard it said the police are part of the 99%. Well, as long as they support the 1%, they are simply part of the problem. Of course, don’t tell a police person that fact. They will get busy discussing probable cause towards you. Next thing you know, many will converge on you and fit you for a pair of cuffs or zip ties while you get kissing- intimate with the concrete.

You have the right to be free just as long as it is on somebody else’s terms. That is the part of the illusion that some just don’t want the people to see. Nor do those so oblivious to the world around them want to ever consider. They are content, nervously looking at their status updates to see if anyone clicked the like button.

I think our society is nothing more than a set of controlled, staged moments of chaos that allows the viewers to feel that there is some sort of freedom. The freedom of reaching for the remote to see the menu of the upcoming show about whispers behind the back for the ultimate goal of a million dollars. The whole time saying trust me, trust me. Then, in that moment of lapsed reason, somebody who is trusted burns the other; all for the lust of a million dollars. It is no wonder the trust factor is being eliminated.

The elite are loving the fact that this society is lulled into a fantasy of being rich quick. They love how the message is screw your team member and you too can have what we have. Truth is, the message is about ratings and advertising. Sucking people into a maze of lies that sound so familiar. Mind you, if enough people stop paying attention to the pea and shell game, the elite will play their ace in the hole. They will pull the leash really hard. Perhaps a few at a time, not all of them all at once. Recall when the gasoline prices surged to the point of almost needing a second mortgage to buy a tank of gas? Recall the reverberating effects on the grocery bill? Etc. etc. etc… Ahem! It was not that long ago.

You’ll know when the leash is being pulled. Pulled for real. The real presentation of their ability to show off their power. The food supply will be cut off. Why do you think there were news stories about Amish farmers being arrested for milk? Competition in dairy products? Can’t have it! Arrest those radical farmers immediately. Whip up panic about the food supply being unsafe. The masses will go into a controlled panic. Another staged series of controlled chaos.

Once it is concluded that supply lines need to be cut completely, those that are armed to the teeth will do the bidding of the elite without ever being told. A thinning of the heard if you will. Many will be hired to protect and serve the elite after proving themselves good marksmen. The lights will get turned back on and those left standing will bow to the elite yet again.

All the power structure is waiting for is an excuse. Look at the results of September eleventh in the year two thousand and one. Just look at the rape of your fourth amendment. I will presume the readership is fully aware of all the atrocities that resulted from the above mentioned date.

That being said, you shouldn’t let that keep you from striving to make changes. It is simply that people need to fully grasp what they are up against. Be fully aware of the outcomes and all of the possibilities. Know this: the outcomes are limited to the fact that it is people making things happen. People are rather predictable creatures. Marching with big signs and chanting eat the rich is, at best, a symbolic gesture. One that is being watched and manipulated for later use against those who are demanding change.

Bits and pieces will be sifted out that can be turned into profit yet again. Most likely, t-shirts with key figures silk screened on the front. Iconic imagery to sell to those reaching for some sort of hip status that will never be attained. They will bald, many year from now, thinking they were there when, in fact, they weren’t even close. But hey, the t-shirt looks cool for a moment.

Young, idealist revolutionaries that chant over their half caff, 2% milk coffee drink that is overpriced. We were young revolutionaries; we had a cause! When asked what it was they revolted against, most will have no real clue. They simply followed the fashion of revolution and now bitch about the mess they are in.

I think the reading of George Orwell’s Animal Farm should be mandatory for any budding revolutionaries out there. It clearly shows how revolutions work combined with the disturbing reality of the outcome of mass revolt. It goes to the predictable creatures statement.

Those in the elite power structure seem to be forgetting the elements of revolution to some extent. But they, like anyone else once frightened, will start looking at necessary avenues of survival. They will explore every scenario and spare no expense to save themselves. (Pay close attention to new legislation that will be coming up to change how credit unions will work…)

What better method than to appear to listen to the protesting and toss some crumbs of hope to those complaining. The crumbs are taken and short-sighted, hollow victories lull yet another generation back to sleep. If you don’t think that is happening, just watch. It is happening right now. It is exciting, but the human factor will always trump the excitement in the end.

It comes down to not losing your freedoms…ones you never really had to begin with. Hard pill to swallow. You only think you had/have them unless you are living off the grid in a completely self-sustained area that is not subject to federal law enforcement / raids. Get used to this reality. You are subject to whatever the elite want from you. It has been the same story throughout history. It ain’t changing either. We are all subject to the reality called human nature.

It is getting even more dicey with each passing decade as the worlds’ population grows at an ever faster rate. That implies more police type people are needed; crowd control and all. People are born and the birth represents another being that is going to have needs. If they represent no usefulness, they will be eliminated or simply ignored. Same difference…

Look to the countries that have huge segments of their population starving while the warlords are eating real good. See the trend? Think that we, the almighty U.S.A., are not immune to the pesky symptom called human nature?

Thinking that this is all some sort of grand adventure or exercise in fiction writing? Thinking that this is too much? Thinking that the writer has lost his mind? Thinking that the writer is going over to the dark side of extreme paranoia? Thinking that this is all just a bunch of negative dribble from a middle-aged whiner that has given up?

Think again. Think for a third time. Just at least think. It is the one place your freedom is safe from the oppressors mentioned throughout this collection of words.

Beware of the steps you take. Protect yourself. Don’t fall for some mass consumption revolution that will be out of fashion and forgotten in a year. Listen carefully to the words that are used. Don’t let anyone trample on your freedom to think for yourself.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Friday, October 14, 2011

Your vote is of no actual consequence. Or is it?

So many camps have been set up over the years. Those that have. Those that have nothing. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Tea Party, Coffee Party. This party that party. The young. The old. The ones in the middle of youth and elderly.

The thing that I see more of nowadays, as opposed to 30 years ago, is a bigger gap between those that have and those that have less or nothing. Those that have nothing seem to be larger in numbers. Please keep in mind, if someone has nothing to lose, their desperation will be that much more. The one thing they get is more desperate. Why not? They have nothing to lose anyway. While ignoring the undercurrent of desperation that is growing, beware of the hungry. Their numbers are growing.

Those that have seem to be more worried about having to face some tax reform. Tax reform ain't going to happen as long as the bought & sold elected keep making the laws or not changing the laws. The fact is, they will never change laws that take money out of their pockets.

Politicians don’t take cuts in their income. They don’t get laid off. They are all supported economically by tax dollars yet rail against programs that give tax dollars to the citizens of the country that supposedly elected them. Umm…be advised, that goes for all of them. All of them have a target, funded by tax dollars, that they want to squeeze or cut off completely. Politicians are nothing more than welfare recipients. Let me point that out again: Politicians are nothing more than welfare recipients.

Both sides talk of cuts to everyone else’s programs but they never take a cut in pay or get laid off. They get excellent government health care and a government pension. Oh! And the tax dollar supported perks such as free transportation in gas guzzling vehicles. They never pay for parking. Yet they have zero problem taking that away from non- elected government employees or the private sector.

The elected are bought and sold. I really wish that more actually understood the implications of that fact. The elected do not represent the voters. It's a lie. Those who buy into this notion that we live in a free election society scare me most of all. They truly think that their vote, especially on the national level, is going to have impact.

Well it does, in a sense. There is impact on the senate and the congress. They are elected by the voters. But the vote really goes to whatever corporations funded the election campaigns. So you voted for a virtual figure-head of a corporation. Feel better?

It could work as simple as this (and most likely does): A congress person has the endorsement of the local V.F.W. hall that just happens to sit on property next to a mega store that wants to expand. Who is going to give the candidate more money. The V.F.W. or the mega store? The V.F.W. might look really cool in those sound bytes on T.V., they aren’t going to come close to the money mega store can. You know that. Yet the politicians bang the drum of getting the endorsement from the V.F.W. No mention of mega store and the huge contribution that will take over the V.F.W. hall property about halfway through the term. Then, just like that, *POOF* a new parking lot for the mega store and no more V.F.W. hall. The congress person can spin a new story for the next election about creating jobs for the asphalt industry.

How are the voters making their choices? Based on party rhetoric? Or based on the sound bytes? Sound bytes that are funded by the corporations that pay for the air time? I truly suspect that the majority of voters base their choices on the advertisements they see in between the fashionable television program they are watching. They may hear talk around their friends and just get to a point of hypnosis that lulls them into voting for charisma and flash. The idea of independent candidates is scoffed at as if almost by a gag reflex. Most think they are wasting their vote on an independent.

**** TA DAH!!! ****

The elite just whipped you into submission by convincing you that the popular vote is of zero consequence. Hence…your vote is actually of no relevance. It inspires low voter turnouts. Or my least favorite reason for casting a vote: “I voted for the lesser of two evils.”. Utter nonsense. By voting for the lesser, you just helped the elite achieve their goal to call the shots with their puppet. No pride in a wasted vote. No pride at all.

That is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard. I do take pride in not voting for the lesser of two evils.

Those who vote on the basis of lesser of two evils are scary indeed. They are voting based on fear. They fear both and yet still support the evil. Scary logic. Simply don’t vote for evil. It sounds ridiculous to even say it.

Those whiney, back-pedaling voters are exactly what the elite need to continue their rule. Along with keeping the voter lulled into some notion of every vote counts. In the end, those illogical voters support the institutions of corporate greed then use the lame excuse… “I voted, I did my part.” Damn Skippy you did. You just supported the elite yet again. The elite who do all sorts of things you don’t like. Yet you continue to vote for them. Stop supporting the elite. Stop it. Stop voting for the lesser, vote for the better and if there is not one, stay home and be proud you did not participate in the sham. Or vote for the independent or anybody but those supported with big money. Vote for yourself, write it in.

The independent can’t get the expensive airtime nor the recognition from the press as being a viable candidate. The lulled voter thinks that they are wasting their vote on any party other than the Democrats or the Republicans. So tell me again how it is my votes count? The votes have already been tallied by those financially supporting the puppets you call the freely elected. One independent in the U.S. Senate does not a democracy by the people for the people make.

Puppets do as they are directed to. A politician is nothing more than a puppet. They answer to those who contribute large sums of money. Follow the money. I will listen to the idea that we are in a system with free elections, I just don't buy it anymore. It is a great concept that the elite really hope you buy. Most likely they hope that this observation will be dismissed.

There is no shame in admitting that one is not looking into the details. The shame falls on those who manipulate the populace. The illusion of freedom is all around us. It is like a drug that keeps many from revolting against the system. The greatest trick that has been played on the 'Merican public.

The foundation of this country was built on slavery and genocide. Well here we are in 2011. The elite call the shots. As they did in the beginning. Not the voter. So all these little flare-ups from people who are fed up and tick off those whose illusions they are challenging. Much like a dope addict, no dope addict wants to be told to give up their drugs. Those suffering the delusions don’t want to be told they have been suckers.

After 45 laps around the sun. I really wonder what it is going to take to make any actual change. As long as the voters are under the illusion of freedom, not much is going to change. At least they voted for the lesser of two evils. Wink, wink.

Perhaps after reading this you might think twice about the power of voting and spread the word? Maybe? But much like this lone voice in the cyber-wilderness your voice is one until the word spreads and we all start calling it as it is.

Stop supporting the power structure. Just stop it. Or??? Vote against it. I support the idea of writing in your own name and to hell with the power addicts in the elite. They wrote you and I off from about the time we were born anyway. Or, keep doing the same thing over and over and stop complaining about the situation you contributed to.

Earlier this year, I announced that my vote is for sale. It still is to the highest bidder. It is the most logical step in this money-driven system of election. Until the system is cleansed of the “ol' boy network” it will not change much. 


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bicycling is hazardous to your health.

Sadly so far this year there have been deaths as a result of riding bicycles in and around Seattle city traffic. People riding wrapped in steel, with airbags and seat restraints involved in collisions with bicycles don’t die. The bicycle rider has no real protection.

Why should I ride a bicycle? Better for my health???

Sure my health will be of great concern after colliding with a 3000 pound object at 30 mph or more, as the internal organs pop like grapes inside. Dental records to identify me after the facial features are scraped off my skull from the pavement.

Why should I ride a bicycle? Better for the environment?

The only way it will save the environment is one less person on the planet consuming natural resources. After being killed by heavy objects that could crush me. But that can happen at any time without riding a bicycle in the traffic. Seems to me the odds of survival are greatly diminished when one hops on their eco friendly mode of transport.

I remember as a kid, if ya’ got told to go play in traffic it was an invitation to go get hurt or die.

I see riders everyday disobeying the rules of the game called traffic. I see drivers do it as well. I must say it seems like a fantasy to get on a bicycle and think you will be treated with respect and that others are going to be paying attention to you. The oblivious people are not only in cars.

In our rapidly growing self absorbed smart phone distracted way of life, getting on a bicycle is simply not smart. You might think I am part of the problem for those who wish to play in traffic.

The difference is I’m not playing in traffic nor do I wish to ask anyone to go play in traffic. It is not a game to operate a high speed object that has the potential to extinguish life. It is for real. Not a game. I do wish the bicycle advocates would start to see that.

I thought of getting a bicycle for the fun of it a while ago. Because really that is what it boils down to they can be fun to ride, but it is no fun to ride amongst distracted angry drivers that have the ability to mow me down.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Limitless or Trapped?

Pondering…faith or no faith? The idea of faith and all the splintered choices. Those who willingly shout down anyone who is of faith. All very confusing at moments. If “ANYTHING” is possible and the options are limitless…to say absolutely for sure without a doubt there is only one way to think. Makes me wonder even more about the danger of judging others and condemning them for a belief that is different from theirs. Now if people of faith are taught tolerance, what are people of no faith taught?

The term liberal has been distorted beyond recognition. I was of the understanding that a liberal point of view was one of tolerance. However, many who claim to be of the liberal ilk are very quick to condemn and spout their disrespect for those of a faith that has teachings of tolerance. Ahem…I think that tolerance is the cornerstone in most faiths. Yes, I know there are those who still think that stoning should come back to the market square. I think it is safe to say that public stoning is not what most people want to see. Sadly, some of no faith would gladly go behind the jailhouse and stone people of faith to death. Same goes for the extremists of some faiths.

Now this is not just for those of faith. Oh no, no, no. It goes to political ideology as well and even more so. People die for other peoples beliefs. They die over it. I wonder how that is justified? Sometimes they die in the battlefield. Sometimes in riots on the streets. People with no faith or political ideology get caught in the midst of violence over disagreements between two other groups. Some people are condemned to death by a system that claims it carrying out justice. Even those condemned to death have groups protesting it.

Again, all ideologies or faith structures have blood on them. The blood of their fellow man. It’s been that way forever. I really get to wondering when I hear the phrase “anything is possible”. It means so many things to so many that simply are not capable of coming to any sort of agreement. We are seeing it everyday.

If, in fact, “anything is possible”, it implies that everybody has been wrong over the history of the human experience. AND it implies that everybody has been correct. Now some will argue you can’t have it both ways. Well why not? If anything is possible, especially on the subject of faith, why can’t you have it both ways? One group of faith that is a sovereign nation and has a seat in The United Nations shows that you can have it any way you want. All you got to do is go to confession and all is forgiven. No matter what crime was committed against the fellow human. Seems to me they found a loophole.

Of course, the problem arises from those who are in one camp and look at the other camps and condemn them. Not very accepting is it? Yet, one on one, they will tell you how much tolerance they have for the other side. Makes no sense…if there has to be other sides then why belong to any group? Sounds like fear to me. Standing alone and raising your fist to the oppressor is a terrifying prospect.

It is true that there is safety in numbers. On the other hand, one on one, some will let their hatred for those who do not have the same belief structure flow like a raging river. At the end their exhausting rant, they will sit back with a certain smugness of superiority that is most frightening.

Most of the time, at the end of a rant, it is concluded with…“They’re all a bunch of fucking idiots.” Most of the time when I hear that conclusion, I have to ask myself, “How bright is the person that has resorted or retreated to the name calling vocabulary of (at best) a fourteen year old? Then it just comes back to “anything is possible“. That being said, then nothing is possible as well.

I have had the pleasure of meeting many intelligent, educated, well-read people who simply seem to lose their mind when it comes to such topics of faith or political ideology. It does show that “anything is possible“. Some of the most educated people can become the most ruthless barbarians given half a chance; ready to believe that nothing is possible as long as there is opposition.

Mostly I think it boils down to this: people don’t like to be told how to live. That being said, there are some people who have almost orgasmic joy out of telling you and I how to live. They thrive on being overlords, if you will. Challenge those people and watch what happens. They will show what honor means to them. They will go to any length to smear you publicly and privately. They will spend countless hours making sure you learn that you do not tell them what to do or, for that matter, dispute them. “Click!” They don’t like being told what to do either; especially from anyone that they disagree with.

Seems that there is a protest for just about everything these days. Seems that there is a lot of fear and apprehension. From all sides. The world is still turning at the same speed, it is just plodding along and the inhabitants squabble continually.

I wonder if it is possible for the north and south pole to get jealous of the polarization that is going on? Is this what some meant by the idea of the shifting of the polar caps?

One of the things I have noticed in all of this is that many still live inside of some very old and worn out ideas. Ideas that were relevant back in the immediate years of post-World War Two. It has been over for a long time and many of the ripples still keep lapping to shore.

Like any ocean that has been polluted, the pollutants end up on the beach and we look at it with disgust. We ask…“Who could do such a thing?” Something needs to be done to see to it that pollution is not there.

Attacking others over their ideology or their faith or their whatever is not going to go away anytime soon. That is my cynical conclusion. My optimistic conclusion is very different, yet it requires a part of the human condition to be removed from the nature of the visitor called humans.

As a self-proclaimed student of the human creature, the one common factor that always seems to mess up my optimistic, utopian notion of living in harmony is other’s unquenchable thirst and lust for power. It is recorded throughout history.

Is anything possible? I simply will lead by example. I will make mistakes along the way that I already accept. Is nothing possible? No. Choosing to do something is a part of anything, even if it is nothing.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

TAX REFORM? Do you actually want it or just hope that some programs go away while others…

If the I.R.S. can put check boxes on the forms for donating extra money to political parties, then why not offer “true” tax reform?

I want to see a tax reform that lets me decide whether or not I should pay elected officials my share of tax dollars that are taken “without” my consent. In other words…

I don’t willingly pay taxes to elected anybodies; they simply take them. Each and every day. 24 - 7. How is that being represented? Well, it is not. You know that. If you have not figured that out, I suggest you read about “taxation without representation”.

I don’t vote for many of the elected buffoons that reap the reward of my spending. They get the pennies, etc., etc., without my say so and then decide where to spend the monies they did not earn. Who came up with this stupidity? Well, it is time to say enough!

We need real tax reform. If we can’t get it, then I strongly urge we go back to the barter system; then the tax dollars are not taken away from people. You choose each and every day to live under a system that steals from you.

I think if the I.R.S. is taking your tax dollars, you should be able to have the choice to say nope, I am not paying for a local mayor, or a county seat, city council, congress people senators, presidents, etc., etc., etc., etc. How about judges that have their head in the clouds (I am being nice on that point); positions occupied by somebody who shares none of the same values as I do.

Do you see that each and every day that you use the government money as a form of barter, that you have just been sucked into the most ingenious trap ever? Use gold? Use silver? I don’t know, but it seems to me that “We The People” could stand up and say, (well, so much for nice language) “Bull Shit! You failed to represent me, so I should not have to pay you any further. So for the next however many years, you can just sit there and pout for free. Or how about resigning?”.

So all of you who don’t want to pay taxes for certain things get to choose where the money goes. End the absolute criminal larceny that has been going on for about 200 years and get on with real tax reform. Is that not why the people fled those monarchies? They faced enormous odds, yet they fled oppression and, then, in many cases became the oppressors. Words were written to offer hope for the oppressed and where are you now? Are you tied to your servitude in the disguise of a 30 year mortgage or that 6 year car loan? How about that credit card that nags you each and every month; the one you used for that emergency? It nags you at 19%. Legal loan sharking.

Remove tax breaks? Add tax breaks? Well, if the government forms can have check boxes for political donations then they can sure as hell have check boxes for those who get paid and those who do not get paid.

Are you for a military? Then check the box that says yes, pay the soldiers.

Are you for the president? Then check the box that says yes, pay the president.

Are you for paying to help the impoverished? Then check the box that says yes, pay.

Are you for paying for anything that you believe in? Then check the box that says yes, pay.

Ahem!!!! I strongly urge you check the box for the county hospital and fire departments, along with the ambulance service.

Gas tax, sin tax, car tabs, etc., etc., etc. The government is elected and appoints their tax thieves each and every day and you/we pay for it. Then you/I bitch about taxes or the tax breaks for those who infiltrated the government and lined their pockets with the fruits of their labor. Maybe we/I need to infiltrate the government and change it?

Crazy, crazy insanity!?!?!

Chris, you cannot start picking and choosing in a mob rule… excuse me, a democracy… excuse me, a democratic society, who gets paid and who does not!

Oh really??? What about taxation without representation? Let me please state that the one bill I no longer wish to pay for is war. That’s right, you heard me, let GWB and all his cronies who started the wars pay for them.

Another thing, why in the hell am I paying anything to an appointed president when it comes to his pension? I warned you all before he left Texas as governor that he was nothing more than a murderer. And yet??? Yet some of my tax dollars go to that twit in the form of a pension that no war criminal deserves. Yes, I said it! GWB is a war criminal. He is simply because he was ignorant enough to listen to the war profiteers around him. That alone is no excuse; the buck stopped with him and he gladly put it in his fricken pockets.

There should be a check box for surviving presidents and the choice of absorbing the cost of the secret service staff that protect them. If you believe in the appointed president and his staff, then you can pay for it. Just check the box. Pick a survivor and attach the label as needed. Then check your box yes or no.  

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But what are you going to do about it, Chris? What are you going to say to the people who agree with you, Chris? Well, I am not absolutely sure what to say…

BUT! If people do not say something, then what?!?!?

…but if we continue on with the same old same old crud, nothing will change. That fact is simple. The point is that taxation without representation needs to effing stop!

Oh wait? Was that journey from the other reaches of the earth to this “grand” country called the good ol’ U.S.A. just a dream?

Are you dreaming of freedom?

Freedom from oppression?

Well then, why do the masses continue to pay their masters who continually keep the boot heel on their necks in the form of taxation without representation? Why???

Now we all get to pay for it. Like it or not, you and I bought it. Find those who can represent you or shut the hell up and stop giving them the tax dollars; fund something you believe in.

I wish you all well and hope that one day we can truly break free from the oppression.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Saturday, June 25, 2011

One more step.

Making it law is a step towards acceptance. Sadly I suspect that peoples phobias are being challenged with the state of New York signing into law… That two people of the same sex can be legally recognized in a partnership of marriage.

Once upon a time two people living together challenged the moral fabric. If they were not of the same sex. Now we see the challenge yet again. The moral chest pounding group that wants to impose it’s viewpoints is having to deal with the fact that two people of the same sex can be legally married. Where the hell were those chest pounding moralists when those two same people were merely living together out of wedlock??? Can’t have it both ways chum. I stand by what I said earlier…

Like it or not. There are ‘people’ that love each other. They commit to one another. It is not about special rights. It’s about two ‘people’ making a commitment of devotion. It is not about servitude of one to the other it is about a partnership of the heart. Now what is wrong with that? Two ‘people’ who share in a partnership of the heart should be admired. Admired and recognized as two ‘people’ in love.

This morning while out and about I saw two people. They were older then I. One was having difficulty walking and the other person was assisting in a very kind way. It was fairly clear to me that they were together. At one point they noticed I was looking in their direction. They stopped touching each other. They stepped apart. As I got closer I raised my right hand and made a fist and said “NEW YORK!” They both smiled. The relief across their face was up lifting and heartbreaking all at once.

What kind of ridicule and sadistic tortures have they faced for being two people that cared for one another? Yet seeing the simplicity of two caring was great, it also bothered me that they felt inclined to pull away from one another.

We are a long way from being collectively a compassionate group that is merely here on loan. We should recall that at any moment our existence is subject to something much greater then anybody has ever been able to explain.

Hatred for others happiness is nothing more than jealousy. I find no solace in jealousy. I often find joy in just knowing that others have moved passed jealousy and to escape the trappings of hatred to know and find peace. This brings me back to the beginning.

Signing same sex marriage into law is a step. Yet the road ahead is much further. Sadly the hatred and disgust that will be displayed over the next many days, months and years… Is on one hand not the fault of those raised in a society that still finds joy in having scapegoats.

It is training if you will. If ones instincts is to be compassionate then the seed was planted and from that seed a garden can still bloom. If one truly wants to escape from an exisistence of fear and hatred all one has to do is be willing. I have yet to meet anybody who wants to live in misery. Not once they have tasted the sweetness of joy, only to find that the serving of misery was foul and reeked of bile.

Acceptance is a step, laws are a step into acceptance the legacy we leave is our gift. The idea of a legacy of hate and ridicule is that what one wants to be known for? I think not. The challenge is yours and yours alone.

I have had the gift of being able to recognize the gift of life for what it is. I truly hope that we can all share it with one another. I am not an educated person. However I am a person. You are as well. That is what I see and look for… Nothing else. If these words cause thought, then that is all I can ever hope for.

Admire those who are of a compassionate nature. Nurture those that seek it. Leave the judgment of those hating at the door step. But never be a doormat for anybody. Never give up yourself, to please those that terrify you. With that being said I thank those that have been fighting for their right to express love. The true warriors between good and evil. You have my eternal gratitude.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here we are in 2011, not 1911.

As I listen to the forever arguments about Seattle and its transportation problems. I have gotten to this point and have some questions.

Cheap oil is never coming back and the destruction of public transportation took place long ago, at a time nobody worried about it. Here we are in 2011, not 1911. We all have a responsibility to leave a functioning city for the future. At the current rate of elongated debates and division between car and mass transit, we simply keep passing the debate to the next generation. I grew up here in the Puget Sound area; about ten miles outside of the city of Seattle to be more precise. So to say I have been hearing this debate since childhood is accurate.

Yes, I am for the recall of the current mayor for various reasons but this about solutions, not just a rant against the failings of a public servant.

I have looked at and heard about the surface option as opposed to the tunnel. What goes through my mind is this: why does there seems to be only one option? That is the basic problem. I see both the tunnel and the surface improvements as an option. A tunnel, along with surface improvements for a better traffic flow. Seems that it would offer viable choices. It would be a huge civic improvement for the city and a win, win for both sides of the argument. The “city” needs to create jobs. Jobs are good for the economy. The city is not creating jobs. (Excluding the political payback jobs the mayor created.) This idea that both can’t be done is mind-boggling.

The surface improvement would mean some long term jobs creation and also offer the option, if needed for instance, when there is trouble in the tunnel due to breakdowns etc. For the city to simply ignore the surface option is akin to a child saying I want it my way or I’m going home. A very selfish way of dealing with the problems we are going to face with just a tunnel and no surface overhaul.

It is clear that the surface option as it currently sits is in need of improvements. With those improvements, there would obviously be a maintenance program that would continue after completion… Uh??? Hello…jobs, jobs creation, long-term jobs that feed the economy. Spending money to make money; it is a reality in economics that seems to work. I think the big wheels call it investing; investment for the future.

Does anybody remember the I-5 project in 2007??? They were able to get that job done in record time. The city did not come to a standstill. Incentives to the contractors to get the job done under schedule and under budget; again, win/win. Let the state dig their tunnel. Let the city rise to the occasion for civic improvements by creating jobs that boost the local economy. That is the kind of political leadership we are looking for. Why are the politicians not getting the big picture? As a politician, I would think one would want to be remembered for the overall long-term improvement of the city.

The car is not going away. As I write this, the electric car is getting closer and closer to a reality that will take over the internal combustion car. The city has recharging stations! In other words, the city government is supporting the use of a private car. The private mode of transportation is simply not going away. Lets break it down one more time: the city has recharging stations for electric cars. The private car is not going away. I think that my fantasy/dream vision of the city is far more attainable then the narrow vision of a utopian mass transit/bicycling/walking city. Hence the need for surface improvements to go along with, rather than instead of, the tunnel.

Sincerely a concerned citizen of the city of Seattle.

Chris J Hutchins

© 2011
All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Here it is: I’m tired. Tired of multiple inputs as to how I should feel. Tired of being told by those who have not walked a single step in my shoes yet have the audacity to presume they know what is best. Don’t feel anger…don’t feel resentment. Let it go. Forgive those who betrayed you.

Those who attempt to guilt me into thinking I let them down. Those who I stood for, time and time again, with praise and monetary rewards. Those who call and ask for me. Where are you when I need you? Where are you? You are off on your trip doing what you need to do, despite any plea from the likes of me.

Excuses followed by excuses are certainly no foundation for you to stand on when asking me yet again to bail you out. I ask and get nothing. You ask and give nothing but the bile of your disappointments when I say no. Then I am told how to feel.

I have spent most of my life in the position of being minimized by those whose arrogance seems somehow justified. Your role is more important and somehow smarter than anything I could have or ever did. You ask me why I seem so down and then tell me to “get over it”, yet offer nothing. Nothing but cheap lip service words that may have been read from some tabloid article about how to feel better. You use those words to condescend and minimize anything I might be feeling.

You ask who I am. Well, I am a reflection of the crap that has been presented. I am a reflection of the good that has been presented. If I speak of the good with enthusiasm, some attempt to challenge my sexuality with bad jokes about who I am. I have no time any further for those that act or live that way.

I have no more time to be with those who live under a sarcastic umbrella of ridicule. The umbrella that gives shelter from light. Shelter from the light that scares most. They spread their darkness with temporary delight until the next victim is in sight. I loathe you. You, with your manipulation of guilt and remorse. I loathe you who attempt to tell me how to feel. You know NOTHING about who I am. You never will and my armor all though is thick; it is there for the ones who attack and swim in orgasmic glee in the pool of blood drawn from me. May you drown in it. I will not allow you to be reborn in it.

Don’t tell me how I feel. Don’t tell me how I should feel. Ever. You do not have the right. Don’t tell me anything that you can’t back up. From the cradle I have heard how I should be; closed inside parameters that kept me stifled and locked away in an unattainable place. I blame nobody. But now I am at the place where I am get to say… FUCK OFF! No longer listening to the shallow lip service of those who spend their time keeping up appearances. Either put up or shut up. Stop asking of me and then running off to the next possible trend that will give you your insatiable need for failure. You can save your hollow praise. I am no longer the doormat. You are no longer something that is worth my praise. You showed your true colors.

Another thing…take your stereotypes and SHOVE them where someone else might want them. I have no further patience for the homophobes, bigots or racists of any kind. All the hate in that mindset can go to the hell of their making. The hell of the fantastical book of dreams and fantasy.

I’m tired. I’m tired. I’m tired. That is it. No plea for attention. No shallow congratulations, please. I’m tired of talk. Now I will walk away from the ones that have nothing other than words they stole from another book.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Friday, June 3, 2011

Time goes by at the same speed each day.

Time goes by at the same speed each day. Despite the idea or notion that it goes by faster as we get older. Here is one idea that is floating around, as to how this idea that time goes by faster with each passing decade…

As a child there is only a few years worth of life experience to look back on. Only natural to be looking ahead. Looking ahead to a blank canvas. For some that blank canvas can be rather overwhelming. It seems so far away. I think due to the fact the there is no actual scale to measure the time line with.

As life progress’s we start to pick up a variety of paints so to speak. To start coloring the canvas if you will. Like the canvas as our memory banks begin to fill up with pictures, or experiences if you will. We start to be able to look back. Looking back at say the age of fifteen you have some foundations already put down. And yet still have what appears to be a vast ocean of time to navigate. Much like today. The difference is as we grow older we have a larger tool (tool meaning more of a history to look back on) to measure the distance with. We start thinking my it has gone by so fast.

Myself at 15 years had already began to understand the concept that this thing called time, can zip right by you if not paying attention. Nothing out of the ordinary. I suppose that as children looking forward it is a perfectly natural mode to be in.

Of course as each decade passes by there is more experience that can be looked at and the closer one is getting to the end. Maybe that is why some impatience or frustration about the idea that time seems to have sped up. Has it? Well of course not. But as we approach what seems to be an end we tend to think we are running out of time. It is a logical conclusion.

How many remember how time seems to stand still as a young child? In m case the gift or curse depending on ones point of view, is I have a strange ability for recall. ( Certainly would have been beneficial in the structure of school, that is another subject all together.) I remember the notion of having to be in one place doing nothing for a hour seemed an eternity. Now days a hour is simply not enough time for many of the mundane tasks. It whisks by. Whisks mind you, as I think of other things that are coming up. Mixed with the blurred pools of memory… As dishes rattle in the sink. I hear my childhood echoes of parental bickering. Whilst thinking of that letter I need to get into the post office before they close. All the while missing the actual moment of the simplicity of cleaning the dishes that nurtured. All of that being said what happened. I missed it, I was to distracted in yesterday and the possible tomorrow possible meaning one never actually knows when the end is there. Well in most cases one never actually knows exactly when.

Think of this for a moment… As a child the really fun stuff went by too fast, and now that I have aged and been lucky enough to continue aging. It is seemingly going by fast because it so much Zippity Do Dah fun? One could surmise that I suppose. Or perhaps it is based on an overwhelming feeling of wanting to do everything before the opportunity is taken away?

The longer we continue the more paints we add to the canvas. The more the canvas is filling up. Turpentine may remove paint but it will not remove the brush stroke that took place however many years before. The brush stroke still happened , it is only the hue of the paint that was removed.

In other words no such thing as a clean slate. The impact we make is there like it or not. In other words the pressure on the canvass still happened. The abrasion against the canvass is there, then to have the hue removed also removes some of the canvass. If our life is a canvass, some of life was wiped away as well. No matter how one may try to minimize that fact.

Who has not had a moment, or many moments where they wanted to have a clean slate to work with? That being asked I recall a time when I got new opportunity presented. It appeared to be a clean slate. Alas just like time moving fast or slow it was an illusion. The illusion was erased as the prior impacts I had made were presented to me in a variety of ways.

Not letting those prior acts dictate the direction I had chosen at a turning point that was the key. Time was certainly moving along and I had decided to start noticing the moment. As opposed to being bogged down by some past recollections/ actions. Or how about a past lesson?

A lesson something to refer to when looking ahead or simply dealing inside the moment. Something to refer to as the new steps of each new day was right in front of me. As for worry about the future… Not nearly as big of an issue these days. It (the future) shows up with each passing second. No stopping it. Better to acknowledge it for what it is when it is right there, like right now. It happens no sooner nor later then it ever did.

What is it I, or you are doing right now? That is an important thing to ponder, we already know that before has an impact on now. Most likely it will later on. How significant is yet to be discovered.

Are the brush strokes broad and messy, or are they precise and to the point? The general broad strokes of yesterday have been cleaned up in some sense, as in writing one needs to be thoughtful in their words just like painting your picture, be careful in your choices. Less turpentine will be needed later. As mentioned above the turpentine will also have an effect that could weaken the canvas.

Time is moving at one second at a time. No faster no slower it just keeps on moving along. Or is it that time has stood still and it is… We that have been moving along?

Time moves slowly when always looking ahead, and ignoring the moment. It moves just as slowly when always looking back. An old saying, old meaning I heard it years ago…

“If you got one foot in yesterday, and one foot in tomorrow. You are pissing all over today.” Now how fast is time moving for you?

I hope that this causes questions or at the very least a smile. None the less it has been a notion that crossed my mind repeatedly and I thought worthy of sharing.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Thursday, May 19, 2011

“The world is filled with educated derelicts” Ray Kroc

The current city ( Seattle ) elected position of mayor has proven that it is occupied by a person of questionable integrity. His incompetence is of no bounds, yet he is rewarded with $159k a year. He could not even protect his wife’s bicycle. How this mess could be resolved…

Hi Mike.

Time to cut the budget alright. The city might be simply better off leaving the position of “Mayor” empty until the next election. There are many city positions that remain open to this day.

City employees retire and the position remains open while the work is redistributed to the remaining city workers in that department. After some time has passed and a bumbling mayor talks about cutting budgets, one of the things that happens is that position that was left empty for a long period of time simply goes away.

Just like the city positions that end up vacated and eventually ended, the remaining city workers are then told and expected mind you, to pick up the slack. Let the remaining staff of the mayors office pick up the slack. At current salaries of course. Just like the city workers get told to do.

The mayor is nothing more then a figure head anyway. And you/ the current one has proven to be nothing more then the person who makes the media appearances, well as long as the media is nice to you and gives you space. That is what one of your staffers wrote up for you since you could not do it.  You have made it clear that you Mr. Mayor does not want media attention anymore. It is bothersome. So why do we the people YOUR Boss, need the likes of you?

( The savings from not having to spend $159k a year could be redistributed into the public safety departments that the costly mayor is asking take 3 to 5% cuts. If he stepped down and let his salary go back into the budget he could save some face and possibly turn around his karma. )

Further more it is abundantly clear Mr. Mayor, you know not of the word accountability. You dismiss and shuffle the blame amongst your staff as it is already been shown time and time again. They can continue pushing papers as they do now. So why is the city in need of an empty suit?

Mr. Mayor please step down. Now. Your job performance has proven to be wasteful in a time where every penny counts. Any new hires that come in need to be qualified. Not somebody who you may owe some sort of political favor to...

A replacement for you there needs to be a person that understands “The Buck Stops Here.” It has been proven that as a public servant you simply are unable to perform the job duties. The staffers will continue doing what they do and they/ we wont notice or even gone.

Well except for the economic savings, and the end of a knee jerk reactionary that hires those who are known felons. Ahem in bank fraud no less. Oh lets not forget the latest team member that supports torture and violence against the citizens. You see you simply are not a public servant that meets the needs of the people of the city of Seattle. (The people YOU work for!)

You have been caught lying to the public, that along with your inability to hire people of integrity. Public service is a privilege not a right. You came into office under false pretenses, you spoke of the political machine of your opponents represented as if you were going to be different. Well you have been on some levels sadly you have proven un trust worthy.

In other words you are being terminated for cause. Save what little decency of human dignity you may have left and resign before dragging yourself thru the public humiliation. No shame in admitting failure. There is shame in not owning up to the failures and there would be shame in not pointing out the fact that you can not be trusted any further. Your private agenda has become painfully obvious. Your agenda does not represent the majority. You fail to act as a public servant for the overall public good. Hence termination for cause.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 3 of not screening the incoming phone calls.

Survey calling for cellular phone service.

Ring, ring: Hello.

Caller: Hi this is a no obligation phone survey for cellular phone service, do you have a few minutes to answer some questions?

Me: Yes, yes I do.

Caller: Great! So what type of cell phone do you currently have?

Me: I don’t have a cell phone.

Caller: Ok, great! So who is your cellular phone service provider?

Me: I don’t have a cell phone.

Caller: Great! So on a scale between one and ten how would you rate your cellular phone service and it options?

Me: Ten.

Caller: If you were to make any upgrades to your cellular phone is there a different package or provider other than your current one that you have been considering?

Me: No.

Caller: Ok, so your happy with your phone service between one and ten again please?

Me: Ten.

Caller: Again, what is your cellular phone style and the provider you are currently using?

Me: Again… I don’t have a cellular phone.

Caller: Oh??? Are we talking on your cellular phone right now?

Me: No, we are not, I don’t have one.

Caller: This is not a cell phone? Oh I thought you understood that this was about cellular services?

Me: Yes I understood right away, however I think you missed the answers in the beginning and as to why I am very happy with my cell phone and it’s service.

Caller: Oh I’m sorry to have taken up your time…

Me: You didn’t take up my time, it was interesting I hope this does not skew your findings this evening?

Caller: No it has not. Thank you for your patience and I hope you have a good evening.

Me: Thank you and same to you.

Now that was some cheap entertainment. Not to mention the caller had a tone of voice that said, “I am so tired and just want to go home.” And yet she was so positive in her tone of voice I was impressed with her determination and making sure that she had not wasted my time. Perhaps it gave her a break from the raving lunatics that yell at her about how these phone surveys are annoying.


Day 3 of not screening the incoming phone calls. Here is phone call #2.

This is one that has come in a lot in the last many months. A number that I have ignored for a long time. Especially after answering it once already just to find out who it was. I saw the Florida area code the first time and thought it could be a friend of mine who I have not spoken with in about a year now. I thought the issue had been closed a while back. But noooo. I was rather abrupt in declining there offer and hung up rather rudely.

One night I invented my own personal assistant. I named him Reginald. He has been such a joy to have around. Always have your own personal assistant answer the phone for you. If you don’t have an assistant make one up. Reggie always speaks in a very pleasant tone and never gets angry.

Ring, ring: Hello?

Caller: Good evening sir. Am I speaking with Mr. Hutchins tonight?

Reginald: No sorry. I am Reginald. Mr. Hutchins personal assistant. May I ask who you are and how you obtained this number it is private you know.

Caller: I am calling in regards to the fantastic opportunity we have for Mr. Hutchins to refinance his home thru a V.A. approved home loan. May I please speak with Mr. Hutchins?

Reginald: No I’m sorry Mr. Hutchins is not taking any calls without knowing who the caller is and how they may have obtained this private number. Now if You…

Caller: Please this is a matter that we believe would interest Mr. Hutchins…

Reginald: Excuse me sir do you always interrupt those you call? Those whom you call unsolicited I might add. Is this a standard practice at your firm?

Caller: Excuse me I apologize for any interruptions. But I really think that a veteran such as Mr. Hutchins with his standing and his military service would be interested in the benefit of our offer.

Reginald: Well you have raised a few questions, but first as his assistant I have been instructed to obtain all information for his approval. Such as, how did you gather your information about Mr. Hutchins? From what data base or all them if you please. We must first have that information so that we may better understand, who is giving out this private number. It is a current assignment of mine.

Caller: We are not at liberty to discuss that matter… Is Mr. Hutchins home?

Reginald: Yes. However you must appreciate that I have been given specific instruct …

Caller may I please speak with him?

Reginald: Oh my there you go again with interruptions, we can’t continue that now can we.

Caller: Again I …

Reginald: Tut, tut, my turn to interrupt. You have been very insistent and I understand you are attempting to help the veterans of the United States, very grand indeed. But since we can’t get answers as to how you obtained this phone number, might you at least tell us what branch of the armed services Mr. Hutchins served in?

Long pause, the noise in the background was that of a call center many voices all speaking at once and some key boards clicking furiously. Finally after what seemed like about 15 seconds.

Caller: Uhh?? I, Uhh??? I don’t seem to have that information at the moment if I could speak with Mr. Hutchins I…

Reginald: You had two interruptions I shall now exercise my second one and clear this matter up for you sir.

Another short pause.

Reginald: First of all you can’t obtain information that simply does not exist. For example, the military service that never happened. He was never in the armed services. Hence our concerns as to how you obtained this information and from where. Now more importantly could you please remove this number and this name from your data base so as not to waste any further time of your loan facility. Might I add you have been most gracious on the phone and we wish you well.

Caller: What!?!? Wait, you are saying that Mr. Hutchins was never in the military?

Reginald: Precisely. That is exactly what I said. I am sure that he would be most interested as to how you thought that? Perhaps you could mail the information to us?

Caller: Thank you… Reginald? That is correct? You’re an assistant to Mr. Hutchins?

Reginald: Your most welcome and do have this number removed please. Good night sir.

Caller: Good night.

Ever since I have retained the services of Reginald I have had much more free time and less headaches and he is just wonderful. I can’t thank him enough. Good ol’ Reggie. Now if I could just get him to do all the shopping.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Friday, May 6, 2011

You get what you pay for.

It is a matter of fact that the government schooling in this country is lacking. It is not some mystery. I am living proof of that. Due to poor grades at some point, the direction given to me was that of a factory worker. In a country that began wholesaling it’s factories overseas.

Nothing wrong in factory work, except that it is currently and, was then, a dying profession. Not to mention that most factories still operating in this country barely pay a livable wage in comparison to the ever-rising cost of living. The only jobs that seem safe to be organized and have labor unions anymore are those professions that cannot be shipped overseas. Certainly most everybody has noticed that.

Many of those jobs are being attacked as overpaid and there has been a call to break up the unions. Unions that help ensure a livable wage. Hmm…like teachers? Teachers certainly should not have a livable wage. Whoops, wait a minute, that is how this mess got started isn’t it? If taxes pay the government school system and if we were to study the overall failings of that system, would it not make sense to increase the funding? Or would you prefer we pour more money into the prison system? Oh wait, we’re already doing that.

What a relief to know that those dollars we don’t spend on our education system are not wasted after all! It goes to pay for the housing of those who failed in school and, perhaps, turned to crime or food stamps or whatever other government funded program of assistance they may use. We should breathe an absolute collective sigh of relief. Find solace in knowing that the money saved by not giving it to the government school system is being better spent on undereducated adults.

In other words, the government school system in this country is preparing people for occupations that simply do not offer an exisistence much higher than the poverty level.

The public schools are failing to teach the basics. Basics that are going to be needed to obtain further education so that one can become a gainfully employed and taxed citizen.

When one looks for work, there is always this demand for skilled labor. For those professions offering a wage above the poverty line, education beyond the high school diploma is required. It would appear that the government run schools are failing to prepare the current generation for higher education. Failing in great proportions, just as they have for many, many years. Why? Funding or the lack thereof.

Teachers salaries are rather dismal; tools of the trade are lacking as well. Yet we shuffle off each generation to a government school system and expect bleeding miracles. From an understaffed government agency! If my little rant here has you wondering, instead of looking at the high school drop out rate, look further and into the college drop out rate in conjunction with student loan defaults. One might not be so quick to assess I’m just talking out my arse.

Why are there twelve years anyway? After passing the first eight, the next four years should be solely designed for career goals. In general, it is not set up that way. While we are at it, what IF (and this is a big IF) “required” schooling stop after grade eight - the same equivalent as a G.E.D. Why is this there insistence that students continue (ahem, at tax payer expense) on another four years? If they drop out after a year or two of high school and go back to pay for a G.E.D., have they not accomplished the same thing? I truly believe that high school needs to be seriously revamped and not required, but an option. In fact, with college credits available to high school students as we are currently doing, would it not make sense to offer an additional two years in a government funded (or public if you will) high school/college? The country could truly benefit from an educated workforce. Certainly we all agree on that? So why not change it, but change it in a way that benefits all.

As for the student that graduated from the eighth grade and went to work, they should have the option of returning to high school/college up to two years after their eighth grade graduation. Why? How many people have you met that, a few years after graduating high school but not going to college or who dropped out in their sophomore or junior year were talking about how the job they have sucks, is a dead end, etc. and they wanted and understood that further education was the way to change that.

Yes, age fourteen or fifteen is young but, a lot of you know someone who knows it all at that age…perhaps you were one of those yourself. “I know what I need to and nobody can tell me different!” Why can’t that person have the option to leave after eighth grade instead of subjecting themselves to four more years of “boredom”. Then, once they have come to terms with their error in judgment, let them have the option to finish their schooling in the new public high school/college.

Is it the whole eighteen and legal adult issue that started the design? Not sure and not really looking for that information at the moment. Let’s look at how things are and ways to improve them. Obviously the system is flawed and in dire need of repair, but not entirely without merit. If the public school system is to survive it needs an overhaul. Not to mention real funding.

To all the teachers that just show up for a pay check and think that you are marking your time until retirement, or those that have trouble dealing with students that might challenge you, get out; you are of no use. You are a blight on the profession. Your impact on the youth of this country is long-reaching and borders on the criminal, not to mention those of you that are behaving in a criminal manner against students. If you are one of those teachers looking for the easiest way out…Get the hell out of the profession! Nobody needs your poor excuse that gives a black eye to those dedicated teachers who run circles around you.

To all those dedicated teachers that show up every day and try, every day, to make a positive difference, I thank you. You are truly American heroes facing incredible odds and criticism. I have my personal experiences obviously; the teachers who made the positive impact are the ones that truly changed my life for the better. I thank you.

Now lets get this bickering and squabbling about school levies over with and get busy talking about how to fix a system that was designed to improve the lives of the citizens.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Each day is another opportunity...

Yet another opportunity to learn and move forward. Each day is another opportunity.

Ahh, the tribal ritual of confusion has set in. Trying to understand this event that takes place this Sunday. So in winter it is always the same date. Dec. 25th. It never changes it never falters it is always the 25th. Some go to houses of worship some don’t. Some simply practice a bit of druidism and worship the tree and the bounty below it. Either way it never changes it is always the 25th.

But this whole ghost rising seems to be move all over the calendar. What? One year it is in March, the next year late April then mid April? I don’t get it. It would appear that this “one” event can’t be pinned down to one specific date? Despite the pinning down of the event of birth. At least that is the story, the birthday that is. Even that is disputed in some circles, none the less one specific date was settled on. However this rising seems to be based on a lunar cycle, not an actual date.

I am not mocking nor ridiculing anyone’s faith here. I do not suffer from any illusions of knowing with absolute certainty the vast array of faith systems. I put forth this question each spring in my attempt to understand the ghost story. Alas like most ghosts the story is shrouded in mystery and elusive. Along with being subject to multiple interpretations.

When pondering such questions I am reminded of a bright sunny day, I spent talking with a Catholic Brother who was visiting his blood brother and his family. They ridiculed his choice for a spiritual path that led him to farm with brothers of the catholic faith. The family from his blood line whispered in arrogance behind his back.

I seized the opportunity to ask questions. What kind of life he had led. He spoke with a calm unlike I had heard in a long while. Descriptions of a simple life raising the dairy cows and crops to sustain the farm some sales of their dairy products to the local community. Mixed with daily meditations and a striving for peace in this world thru their faith. Whether I agreed or his blood line agreed with him was of no relevance. However the calm this man displayed was rather impressive. It reminded me that I don’t know everything, his constant mention of learning and striving to learn more showed me something about living. Living is a constant adventure in learning. The key seemed to be the willingness. As opposed to a closed off judgmental attitude that minimizes and ridicules others for having a different idea. He never once displayed that attitude.

Funny thing was I asked about the rising of the dead and the changing of the date, this quiet peaceful man smiled and said… “Ya’ know Chris, I have asked more than one bishop about that over the years. Some got a bit defensive others just asked me to seek out the answer for myself… I still don’t have the exact answer. Chris if you find the exact answer please let me know, you may have better luck in your circles and in your seeking then I have or will.” “Exact answers!” I said. Then we both just burst into laughter. I heard he had left his vehicle a few years back and went on to other adventures. So for him and for me, I still seek and wonder. (without wonder might as well close the lid)

Yesterday I spent a better part of the day in conversation that was about questions and seeking. The one thing that happened thru out the day was laughter. Laughing about joy and discovery. Much like that sunny day many years ago. Maybe that is was easter is all about for me this year not the date, but just being able to ask questions and seek laughter.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It’s just for fun…Until money is involved then it gets personal!

It comes down to this… I think, some people are only in love with an idea, not the actual reality. When reality hits they find out it is work.

When trying to avoid potential problems in a project. I always ask what the participants are expecting. Most of the time I get a shrug. I try to be very clear about the reality of the project and that I want no disputes over numbers later on down the road. Compensation etc. Or what is owed monetarily.

It is during the inception of an idea that the doubters come along and assist with the idea or attitude that the project will go nowhere. Spouting all sorts of love and support as long as they are not associated with any failed projects. No backing no support. Complaints of even being associated with the projects. Requests to have their names removed from the credits. In my attempt to accommodate them, it is best to remove the credits and hope for the best.

But when the checks come in who is first in line demanding their cut? Those same who doubted any actual outcome, then all of a sudden they espouse how much they believed in the idea… Bullocks, pure un adulterated fertilizer. I find it funny and ask, “was that when you adamantly complained about be associated with the project that you were such a believer? Or was it when you found out that there was serious commerce involved?” The real kicker is when asked to produce any documents (that they turned down) they get rather frustrated and cry that they were scammed.

If you cut yourself off don’t come skulking around later expecting any compensation. I asked if you wanted it in writing, you said, “No, no need I’m just doing this for fun…” Well then here is a flat rate for time given. Now go… Have fun!

Always work out the numbers/ points/ percentages, ahead of time so much easier up front then later on. Or simply accept the one time payment for your time.

You really know who your friends are when people see you as a pauper.

All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Time to get real in my humble opinion.

“The organizing principle of any society, is for war. The authority of the state over its people resides in its war powers.” General X

That being said makes one wonder or does it? As to why the US is involved in all the skirmishes it is involved in. I refuse to follow leaders blindly. Lots to think about.

A society that is afraid of a mythic enemy and kept in fear, is far more likely to follow blindly into a notion of a so called “good war.” A society that is free thinking, and free to speak out is subject to the harassment of the so called officials. Either by a local police force ordered harassment or government officials that belong to some alphabet group.

I have watched and heard the so called grown ups and now the officials repeat the same old garbage over and over. What bothers me more than anything is their utter arrogance. Their attitude towards those they are supposed to help. One poor decision after another.

The problem with revolution is… After time the victors in the revolution fall subject to the same temptations of greed. Their arrogance of being victorious fuels their rationalizations. “Animal Farm” comes to mind.

Not being an elected or appointed individual to any position of political importance- impotence. I have the dubious luxury of watching from the outside of the bureaucratic pool of thick oatmeal.

I did however have the opportunity to experience a similar experience in the private sector. ( for nine years in a large corporation nationwide, that held contracts with city municipalities) That being said. I saw that a simple decision that could take a matter minutes could get caught in a quagmire of red tape and diluted from it’s inception into a meaningless directive that fixed nothing. Nothing. Lets make that clear. Nothing after weeks or in some cases months… Nothing changed.

The person, or persons who could have benefited from a simple choice was in the same predicament as before. Of course all those involved in the long discussions and meetings felt very full of themselves. They truly believed that they had examined and weighed out all the options. Yet… Nothing actually changed. Government has been that way for far too long. Hence the same old “Forever Argument” has been going on since I can remember.

Personally I think it boils down to this... Personal accountability has become the “monster” that many fear is hiding under their bed. Few seem to believe in themselves these days. They second guess their choices. The discussions begin and the individual is left with a bowl of options from others who know little of the situation. In the end no one individual is held accountable. The beginning of plausible deniability is born. Just like baby Huey, the big baby crushes everything in it‘s path. And NOBODY is held accountable. Sleep well with that notion, whilst thinking of the so called leaders of freedom.

Remember the incident in the early 90’s when Janet Reno, told congress she took “accountability” for the inferno at Waco TX.? (Wow big word!) Yet she was not relived of her position. Janet Reno claimed accountability for the inferno that killed American citizens and nothing came of it. The American Attorney general just went on about her business. Interesting indeed.

The reports about the massive arms build up in Waco and the urgent need to get into the compound before a miniature Armageddon took place in Waco. After the smoke cleared and the ashes settled what did the ATF find? NOTHING. Nothing other then the corpses of the people who were burned. Janet Reno took full accountability, she said it over and over. No weapons… No massive stock pile was found. The whole rationalization for an e attack on the people of America practicing their right to freedom of religion. Of course their numbers were small so it was deemed a radical cult. (If they only had, had much larger numbers in their belief structure it would have been sanctioned as a religion. You have to remember that the big time cults have had thousands of years to recruit.) I digress… Lets fast forward to the next level.

Iraq… Massive stock piles of weapons of mass destruction. (Many I am sure that the US had sent over during the Iran, Iraq war.) Where were all the weapons? Looked like Waco at the end of the day. You have to admit that had either of the above mentioned had, had massive stock piles the forces that intruded would have brought in the media to show that the end justified the means, we would have seen the burnt remains of gun barrels and what ever type of weapons … Talk about P.R.!!! “Holy Geeezum Crow … Rest easy. We are safe now! This is XYZ reporting from ground zero of potential terror.” Please note in both cases that did not happen. A whole different song and dance or, dog and pony show distracted the masses. As they changed the television channel with their remote control.

Just like Waco in Iraq, we had the best of intensions for illegally entering the country/ property. Yet the President made use of his teleprompter and spoke the words that scared the people and led the charge. How much money was/ is wasted on that endeavor?

The US forces were able to capture the dictator with a Pay Day candy bar in hand… Yet they can’t find the evil doer who master minded the “attack” on 9-11? Makes me wonder what the hell the CIA is getting paid for? Who are they really looking for?

Ahem CIA, FBI, KGB, ATF, NSA, SPD, all the same to me. As somebody close to me said… “Professional door kickers, that’s all.” Waco, Iraq, now Libya. Where the hell was the American fighting might during the Rwandan Genocide? How is New Orleans doing? How is the infrastructure here at home? How is the health care issue going in your family? Or your neighbors? Are you scared of outside forces yet? Are you scared? Are you? If you are scared of some evil unknown force taking over your life that is not wrapped in the American flag… The ruling class has got you exactly where they want you. They love it when you are scared. They profit. They have you organized for the collection plate. Or the 1040EZ form.

The presidents, the congress, the senate, governors they come and go. (Some get a nice tidy some of cash as well.) The ruling class they ain’t moved and are working real hard to make sure you don’t know they are there. The ruling class supply the illusion of freedom. Most happily the sheep pay for it at four dollars a gallon and rising. While enslaved to their mortgage of thirty years. Along with the automobile payments of seven years. That roll into the next automobile loan after about five to six years.

Look most do not earn enough these days to say they are prepared to go a year with out income. The idea of losing a job, that is only allowing one or two, or three, etc. etc. etc. to live pay check to pay check, is scary. Gotcha!

The Ruling Class has gotcha. Are you willing to accept this? Are you willing to accept more wars? Are you? After all the elected have waddled off to their retirement on your dime and leave other unresolved issues for your children, and mine, are you going to still think the monster under the bed is actually from the outside? Or maybe we can start talking about “Real Change?” Time to get real in my humble opinion.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The universe echoes.

'If you can’t look at yourself and accept who you are… How can you expect others to truly see who you are and accept you for you?' Chris J Hutchins

If my attitude is one of a pissy diva, it comes back ten fold. If I engage with the testosterone overload , sure enough somebody wants to square off and challenge it.

Now here is the fun part it ain’t coming back right after I have behaved poorly towards others. No, no, no, it comes back sometimes slowly, (ahem that could mean years later…) sometimes quickly. None the less my behavior echoes back right in my face eventually. Knowing that, one needs to take care to be sure about what they are giving out to the universe/ world, it comes back.

The funny part is when I hear others complain incessantly about how everybody else is so rude or pissy. It seems so shocking that some complete stranger would be rude. The famous last words… “I did not do anything to deserve that…” Really?

I thought about it off and on over the years, I concluded that… Yes I did. I was rude to somebody a few days before, for no reason other than I had been having a self imposed bad day. Misery loves company. (Ahem so does serenity) Trite tired cliché? Maybe but clichés start somewhere, and the Dr. Buzz Kill loves to offer his/ her prescription of downers to point out you are nothing and that it needs to be pointed out. Then when Dr. Buzz Kill, is slammed by strangers for some idea he/ she might have, he/ she cries himself or herself to sleep thinking he/ she is all alone and nobody understands him/ her. The idea that years of minimizing and rude behaviors towards others is not coming back, strange indeed. Get ready for the storm.

Now think of the possibility of a 180 degree change in thinking. Start simply but start to reverse the directions. Change those potential echoes of disregard. Change them into being accepting of others. Acknowledge the toxic ones that want to tear down. Then choose to not engage in the behavior.

Do not get discouraged nor expect anything to change right away. The echoes of the universe sometimes take a long time to get back. However the good thing I discovered is it happens in little bits real fast. Take it from one who knows, those little ones seem so huge they build up and last. The alternative is simply a devastating idea after just a few gifts echo back. 

I can deal with name calling on this subject I can deal with the accusation of Poly Anna, rose colored glasses, etc. etc. I can deal with it because after spending years in the world of “everything sucks…” A confidence has been restored.

A confidence that allows me to be willing to accept accountability. It is far more empowering when one is accountable for their actions and more importantly their behavior. It opens the door to confidence in ones actions. Without accountability, it is a corrosive that erodes your being able to find peace. Hence the vicious cycle of the echo of coming back to you ten fold of intolerant rude pissy people. Remember the term, “like attracts like” act like a jerk, and it comes back.

In the end… We all want the same thing. To be content. To find contentment one needs to treat others as they want to be treated. I can deal with being called Polly Anna, I never could deal with being disrespected very well. But looking back I was being disrespectful to so many. So it is no wonder I got it back ten fold. I got it back without expecting it. So it only makes sense that I have to leave that same idea of no expectations if I go the other direction. No expectations leaves one/ me with no disappointment. It only stands to reason doesn’t it?

If one thinks my expressions are odd, or disingenuous. All I can say is my experience has taught me otherwise. All I can say is living outside of fear, living in the notion of hope and freedom of expression has allowed the criticisms to have less and less ability to debilitate my pursuit of understanding.

I would love to wave my magic wand or sprinkle the pixie dust to make it all better, but like anything it is a matter of practice. It is a matter of personal accountability. So rather than rant about the geo political stuff, I thought how about sharing this idea instead. It felt great to come across this idea and share it I hope it rings a bell.

I can say this with conviction. It took changing my attitude of ridicule so I could tell you I love you. I believe with all my heart that love is a verb. A VERB! I know that we can find peace in the tasks that face us on a daily basis. Shame of having hope is not going to let hope happen. Pride in having hope will let the hope be shared.

Embrace your feelings they are yours. It is what you do with them that decides the rest. Give without expectations, and the rest will follow.

All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions