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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Meth heads, everyone loses.

A little over a year ago the neighborhood I grew up had a shift. An original owner of a modest house (1000 sqf) died and the house was sold quickly. It happens that it sits next door to the house I grew up in. Yes (the house I grew up in) is still occupied by family members.

The new neighbors moved in and within two weeks I sensed trouble. After about sixty days low and behold the place had been reduced to a dumping ground. There were little kids for the first two months, they have been long gone but the house was filled at all times with people. I saw the pattern heavy police traffic at all hours. People coming and going for those quick visits at all hours. One broke down vehicle after another.

I said it then, these people are either cooking or distributing -possibly both- Meth. At first the locals kind of shrugged and said... “Oh well nothing we can do.” First HUGE mistake.

Now the place is trashed inside and out. The Tweakers are supposed to be out of the place but they come and go still. They ignore the eviction orders. And what does the actual owner of the house say about it? “Oh he’s (Lead Tweaker) is my son he has some problems but it’s not that bad.” Well there is one part of the problem. The biggest problem that took forever to get people to own up to is, “Hey these people are ingesting a chemical that is known to make people very dangerous.” Hence 7 cops with guns drawn at various times. Traipsing thru the neighbors yards. (Uhhh, I don’t like hearing distressed phone calls from my Mother about multiple cops tromping thru her property. Who would?)

I’m asked to tolerate people who are sick. To treat them with kindness. To be understanding to their needs. OK. Well lets flip the script. “If” said sick individual is causing others pain and suffering, to people around them. Tell me again why I should tolerate the sick individual? Much less accept them. How about the needs of those these idiots target?

People know the dangers of Meth. Yet they do it. I suspect that many know going into the first hit that they are playing a dangerous game... Yet they choose to do it. They choose to do it. I faced many choices in my time -still do- yet I choose to not disintegrate my brain with Meth.

To say hey it’s no big deal sounds about as smart as me trying to defend the use of tobacco. I don’t even bother. I know how absurd it sounds. I smoke. It’s bad for me. I still like it, I have no desire to quit, hence I do it. The Meth head is not much different when you break it down. They like the high they continue to do it. Key component here is my camels don’t sizzle my brain into madness.

When will our society go back to treating the rabid diseased animals as threats to the safety of others? When? Why do people wait until things escalate to an out of control situation? If you bring up the rights of the sick individual be advised, I think that is a total cop out. Why? Potential victims of Tweakers have rights also. One is the right to not be a victim.

I’ll be very clear on this point... Tweakers, Meth heads beware I have no tolerance for such behavior. It’s an inexcusable behavior with no excuse what so ever. None. If Tweakers want to sizzle their brains into a paranoid schizophrenic mess, that’s “their” choice. I and many I know chose to not cook our brains. However Mr. Tweaker you are not going to bring your sickness to my front door. Tolerating these people only encourages them. Stop encouraging them with excuses such as “It’s a disease. They have personal issues. They had an unloving home life. Etc. etc. etc.”

Spare me any addiction preaching, such as addiction is a disease. I‘m fully aware of the dogma of Bill W & Friends.

I for one refuse to molly coddle and/ or reward Meth heads behavior with anything such as tolerance and/ or acceptance of such dangerous behavior. So to those who wonder and might be wondering if I have some sort of solution? I do. I wonder if the society has the political will?

Eliminate the need for the black market/ subculture underworld lifestyle. It obviously has not been working. Keeping all the narcotics illegal hasn‘t been keeping all these dangerous drugs from being around. An enormous waste of funding in law enforcement and the prison systems. Keeping these drugs illegal certainly has not kept them out of the hands of minors. The government needs money... Well here it is.

I suspect that there will be an endless supply of people who will gladly continue to consume the chemicals. Why not make bank off of it? Why not let those who think it’s fun or cool go fire up, shoot up, light up or snort up until their little hearts are content. Every generation is and will continue doing it anyway. Drug use and or addiction is not going away. I repeat this simple fact... Drug use and or addiction is not going away.

All rights reserved
Dog Hair Productions

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I have ranted about this before.

I know, I know I have ranted about this before... I will attempt to leave out the colorful expletives.

If people would just pay attention to the operation of their heavy objects that roll on wheels well...

Hey douche waffles get off your stupid phone. (sPhone) You might actually get home safely to your silly stick figure group of people you have pasted on your rear window.

When lights turn green that means apply pressure to that pedal under your right foot. You know the one, the narrow one to your right. NOT to continue staring off into space while flapping your gums on your sPhone. (Most likely about how traffic sucks.) You look foolish and cause others to get unruly. Very possible the sPhone is the cause of many a road raging incidents. Ever think of that you maroon?

No you’re not that important, you really aren’t the only person out there on the roadways. I know, that people make excuses for behaving poorly. Let little child have unmatched socks it’s not the end of the world, (we have already passed that date anyway.)

I know I sound very impatient. Well maybe, just maybe it’s because I’m out there as well. No stick figures on the back of my carpool. No cute yellow sign that says “Baby On Board.” I would however sport a sign that says “Live Cargo On Board.” That makes much more sense and is not nearly as discriminating to the rest of the living creatures that are in vehicles. “Baby On Board” is not a pass to drive like an Idget.

Part two... Figure out where you’re going before going. Get some fricken map skills under control so that you can control your heavy object on wheels without having to watching a mini T.V. either stuck to your windscreen, or on the dash. Worse yet a stupid app on the sPhone because you somehow think you can manage to drive while watching T.V. at the same time. You can’t! You’ve just been lucky thus far.

No, no, no. (Shaking my cranium side to side) It is all to simplistic of an approach to think that the self absorbed are even going to take any of the above concerns seriously.

If one must poke fun at this... Might I suggest you do it from your sPhone whilst driving. Yes that might be best.... Better yet! Only copy and paste then share this whilst driving in heavy high speed traffic. “If you really care about your loved ones you will copy and paste this while going over 35 m.p.h.”

Think about it you could be a nation wide famous personality! Your face plastered all over billboards and P.S.A. ads on T.V. about how to NOT drive like an absolute idiot. But hey if you don’t care about others by all means continue just being the anonymous douche waffle you currently are.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The new album is out.

Thanks for the support.

Unicorns are just as mythical as a gun free world.

I'm sick and tired of the term "assault weapon." Why??? I have a club that can kill. If I use it properly I get charged with "assault with a deadly weapon" correct?

Hence the term "assault weapon” defining only certain types of "weapons" is insulting. The wording could eventually apply to any innocuous object. (Of course after a massive contrail checkerboard spray comes down after harp has sent radio, microwaves into the air from Alaska. Then most likely the inquisitors at the FEMA camps, after my relocation would call my teeth a deadly weapon...) Ahh yes you see I digress yet again. Whoops! I forgot I'm using logic in my language, something that most fear mongers don't. Geeezum Crow fear mongers and their twisting of words to fit their unicorn agenda... (Uhhh, that goes for all sides of the circle of mythological believers...)

Unicorns are just as mythical as a gun free world. The president is not in a seat of power that can actually... “Can not” actually threaten your privately held possessions.

Oh! And another thing if you need more than three shots to stop the mythological boogy man, you need to be subjected to “gun control training” because if you miss three times you obviously have no “gun control.” It means you simply suck at shooting. Which makes a very dangerous gun owner, you scare the crap out of people.

You're the idiots that have those pesky little accidents known as "stray bullets." Hey a-hole put leash on those bullets so as to not have any stray bullets, get some fricken gun control, hit what you aim at. If you can't! You don't deserve to own a gun. Gun owners who can't hit what they aim at are a menace to society. If you suck at shooting, please give up your weapon before you shoot somebody's loved one across the street.

If your idea of home protection dictates your need for four clips fully loaded, you suck... on so many levels. You’re the reason people are demanding more gun regulations don’t you get it? It’s your paranoid delusions that keep this ridiculous argument going and going.

Quit living in fear. It just looks pathetic. That goes for everybody.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Good, bad, responsible, irresponsible, too many bullets, not enough bullets, assault weapons, sporting weapons, “A well regulated militia...” One man militia stock piled to the hilt. An armed citizenry will stop tyranny. Less regulation, more regulation, tragedy, self protection. How long would it take to obtain a new gun with a paper trail? How long does it take to obtain a gun in a private sale with no paper trail? Lock them up, trigger locks, keep them loaded and at the ready in the night stand, accidental discharge, planned attacks, post guards, arm teachers, open carry, concealed carry, hydra shock, full metal jacket, hollow point, buck shot, bird shot, Bambi does not wear Kevlar. Shoot to stop, shoot to kill, aim low, aim high, don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. If you own a gun you’re crazy, if you own a gun you’re prepared, if you own a gun you’re asking for trouble, if you own a gun you’re safe from trouble. I’m not the problem it’s the crazy people that are the problem, I’m different... End gun violence, guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill, if there were no guns we no longer have gun violence, end the violence, end the senseless killings, better mental health background checks. Lone gunman, conspiracy, massive new world order plots. Sue the gun makers, sue the gun owners, (it’s getting near end...) if you own a gun or two or more... Whoopty Fricken Zippity Doo Dah Day. Relax the gun new world order police will not find you.

Exhausting isn’t it... What if all this energy in this circular debate (that will not have a conclusion) was put into ending hunger? Health care reforms? Education? Energy reform? Housing? Or??? How about peace? Your choice.

If you want to argue with me about guns from either side... “Get off my lawn.” I got others things to do with my energy. For starters the birds need something in their feeders.


“I don’t have clues... I have instincts. Far more terrifying than any clue. Clues left behind from a simple mind that I have no clue as to what I may feel... My instincts tell me more... As they always will. I live in wonder.. As I live in wander.”

"You don't have tell me twice... OK, OK... Maybe a dozen times before I get the point."
“I know that I'm safer with warning labels on the most obvious hazards. (It reduces billing hours from the legal department.) Warning labels stop the common sense challenged people from having any excuse. It holds the maroons accountable for their willful ignorance.”

"Some call it impatient...I call it motivated to get stuff done."


Family Values...

"If" somebody came to me and described new neighbors as an "unfortunate circumstance" I would happily advise the whiners to move... I'll help them load up a truck.

A couple moving into a community that has caused no harm is hardly an "unfortunate circumstance." Unless of course the existing residents have no tolerance for the world around them. Now that is an “unfortunate circumstance” indeed.

Indeed, what to do to protect some good old fashioned values, such as acceptance, the golden rule, love thy neighbor etc. etc.

As for people smoking weed, well I'll tell ya' what... I would rather new neighbors smoked weed as opposed to being belligerent drunken loud a-holes. I've had enough of those neighbors. If the neighbors happen to be pot smoking homosexuals I don't have any problem with that.

Well then because I disagree with others I suppose that makes me a bigot, jerk, prude, commie, right-wing, left-wing nut-job, neo-con, or whatever other colorful name others can come up with. An "unfortunate circumstance" as a description of new neighbors while waving the "Family Values" banner is not something I agree with. I don't accept it.

I don't accept judgmental hatred either. If that makes me a hater so be it. I’m sick to death of the "Family Values" battle cry. Sick of it. It’s mostly B.S. used to prop up dysfunctional screwed up a-holes that are anything but.

They spew the term to give the impression that they are upstanding pillars in a community. Heaven for bid that diversity be introduced that’s when the yammering about good old fashioned "Family Values" comes out, whatever that is supposed to mean. One family’s set of values does not make it so for another. I know, I know I outed myself already as a hater. As I pointed out I don’t agree with others so it makes a... Whatever other colorful name needed, _______.

Step up, or shut up.

“If one can’t own their mistakes how can they possibly own their success?

I’ve found a common denominator in a type of person that drives me bonkers... (Well at least until I show them the door.)

They want to be in charge/ control of others and have zero ability to take accountable for their own actions. They take no responsibility for their behavior. When they make a mistake or worse, if failure happens... They cry, “I’m a victim, it’s not my fault, I didn’t do it, blah, blah etc. etc.” You know the type are you one those pathetic people?

They expect everything handed to them with no effort at all. Fortunately I have gotten much better at seeing thru this facade over the years. They have no guts, yet want all the glory. I dare say the only worse characteristic they exhibit is their ability to ride coat tails.

If one can’t own their mistakes how can they possibly own their success? Take some fricken pride in thinking, doing and being yourself. It‘s far, far more attractive.”


Stay Wretched...

"Skullduggery is the best thing to use. The ignorant wretches don't know anything else. Communicate to them at their level much like any parent worth his or her weight in salt would do. If they choose to stay wretched, well it's their soul adrift in the gutter... Let them be washed out to sea. Bottom feeders need to eat just like anybody else."


DING!!! Next please.”

Thoughts as the voice droned on and on: ‘OK, OK, sometimes when you realize that you just don't give a fuck. You take some time, back up and even then you say eff it.’

I tend to question what it is exactly I’m saying eff it to. Then it hit...

All I heard was what the problem was, no solutions, or possible solutions, not a remote idea for any solution, just the yammering of the obvious, a repetitive yammering of what the problem is. Then it hit...

Response to the caller: “It's not that I don't give a fuck about the problem. I just don't care anymore to hear what the problem is. I am only interested in hearing about possible solutions. So it's not that I don't give a rats arse or whatever... I’m just done listening to people who have the regurgitation function down to a dismal boring science. DING!!! Next please.”

A pleasant exchange of farewell within in milliseconds so beautifully followed.

A phone call that was almost as good as... Ooo la, la it was divine. Mmmm must smoke now. /;->

Whiners Suck.

"I've grown tired of hearing people say 'Getting old sucks.' Why? Well lets think about it for second or two or three if you're younger.

From the moment you're born guess what... You are getting older. Now that being said one could conclude that your entire lifetime sucks. (Talk about buzz kill.)

Here is another way to think about it. I would like to know exactly (or somewhere close to the neighborhood) what is getting old being compared to? Is there an alternative?

When I hear... 'Getting old sucks.' I have often wondered if those who died very young would agree with the whining of the older whiners who have lost appreciation for the privilege of continuing to get older?

No getting old doesn't suck. Bitching about getting old to others now that just blows. If you're not getting older you are dead. I'm currently of the mindset that dead sucks.

Getting old is a privilege stop complaining about it. Or... Get off my lawn."