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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Careful, you might just find it.

Some have said that I am easily astonished. Easily impressed. Whether or not that is entirely true is of no matter. I have my moments of pessimism; of cynicism. I have moments where I am worried and wringing my hands as I pace throughout the day, wondering if it is all going to work out.

Then, like a bag being filled with air and being popped, I realize…I am pacing with worry. If I have the ability to worry and pace, I have the claim to being alive. With that knowledge, that I am breathing and able to think, then why not look for the positive; the positive in that absolute truth. The fact that I am alive. Despite the odds. Reducing worry lines is looking at the other side of the coin…not cucumber slices on my eyelids.

There need not be a special holiday for one to understand that the gift of life is right in front of you. With that knowledge, it is all up for grabs. I see it everyday. So why would I waste the moment in the labyrinth of worry? I spent the better part of my twenties consumed with worry and doubt. I faced life- changing events and lived through them for the better part of my thirties. Here in my forties, I get to look back at a bloody, fricken miracle…Survival!
So when the little things come up, or the big ones, I am able to take refuge in the fact that I have made it this far. What the heck do I have to complain about? Wait for it…Give me a moment, I will find something to either complain about or sing praise for.

Every so often, the order of things gets shook up - mixed up - held up. Sometimes the truth is held for ransom. I suppose it is a matter of whether or not you have the willingness to pay the price for a truth as presented from somebody else’s point of view. This is where one gets to look at his or her faith. Careful, you might just find it.

Remember, unless we are discussing mathematical equations or scientific facts as the basis of a truth, the subject is subject to being challenged. Hell, even scientific facts get challenged every so often by some upstarts looking to make a name for themselves. Then, I suppose, we are back to the drawing board as they say. 1 + 1 = ??

Gravity seems to be a constant. However, even gravity gets challenged at times when something stronger comes stumbling through. I believe in gravity. A fantastic, powerful force and yet, with a little effort, I can lift a pen that is held in place by gravity. Of course, my opinions are not always popular. Of course, some might say I am wrong. Right?

Asking questions is necessary for growth. To not question, not seek, is stagnation. The moment I think I know everything I need to know, I find myself humbled by the simplest of events; then the questions start all over again. Without questions, one finds no answers. Without answers, one remains ignorant. It is simply a matter of what it is you want to do. One persons truth may set them free while it imprisons others.

A great question from a lecture given by Dr. Michio Kaku, “If the moon goes around the earth, the earth goes around the sun, what does the sun go around?” The answer? The sun goes around a black hole in the constellation Sagittarius at the center of the Milky Way galaxy! Now what??? One could surmise that we are all spinning into a great abyss. Perhaps the bending of time, etc., etc., etc. So, in hearing this, I had to sit back and truly wonder…What is there to be that worried about?

I scoff at many things and I take many things with a grain of salt. Yet I find that the world, the universe, is around my being. My being here lets me ask and listen to what it is that the universe has to offer. I fear nothing while fearing it all. “It” is something that I wish to know…No I don’t! Who am I kidding? Me, I suppose. Then again, I fool myself daily, or nightly, or in the early morning. Will I mourn the loss of my understanding? Not to worry. I will be seduced by the delusion of absolute clarity again and again. The cycle will spin, as the planets do around the stars.

“It” is all subject for question. Many questions you might pose to me or I might pose to you. And here we are, questioning the entire mess that has been so neatly brought to us in text books written by our “forefathers“, despite that I only have one. You may say I have four, I say I have one….Now what? Another series of inane questions?

How do we know that other creatures roaming this planet are not having the same questions we as homo sapiens? It is rather difficult to know for sure that a dog or a silverback gorilla is not pondering things similar to those we think about. Our species is able to record thoughts on paper or whatever device is handy. That a dog or dolphin cannot does not mean that they are unable to contemplate the meaning of their own existence. To draw such a conclusion, from my point of view…from where I sit, seems rather arrogant.

I understand arrogance far too well. I can be one of the most pompous asses on the sidewalk. There is no shortage of individuals in this world that would deny the statement I just made.

At one time, there were many highly paid individuals who made it their mission to denounce me and to point out that my arrogance knows no bounds. Funny part was, I saw the bill; about eight million dollars were spent to show I was raving lunatic. The opposition did not need to spend all that money. I would have conceded to the fact for nothing. Now, who were the true lunatics back then? It did not cost me anything economically. In fact, I prospered from it very well thank you! And, my integrity was intact at the end of that battle. Call me crazy, you won’t be the first nor the last. Well you know…the ever elusive, mysterious confusion. Boy, it is exhausting to be me sometimes.
**Hello??? Still here??? Still going through this rant of observation???**

Not everything is going to make sense all of the time. Now what will you do with that kernel of information? Do you seek total sense? Let me know when you find it; I’ll buy a copy for future reference. I am prepared for many editions as sense will forever be updated by those who claim to have “it” fully understood.

My life partner told me once, in reference to a baseball game, “It’s baseball; anything can happen.” I have found that that turn of phrase has, and is, applicable to everything. It is a nugget of truth that I cherish everyday. Sometimes, just the brush of my partners hand can completely change my entire outlook. Much like the phrase, “It’s baseball; anything can happen.”

I offer you all the thanks and praise you have so rightly earned and deserve! The skies have opened and the rain of dreams is pouring upon you! I shall not try to cover you from them; bathe in them. Thank you all that have been there, supporting the dream!!!

Greatness is only as far away as your doubt. Never doubt yourself. There are too many in line ready to do that for you.

Anything can happen…I’m ready, how about you?!?!


Dog Hair Productions

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