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Friday, September 16, 2011

Bicycling is hazardous to your health.

Sadly so far this year there have been deaths as a result of riding bicycles in and around Seattle city traffic. People riding wrapped in steel, with airbags and seat restraints involved in collisions with bicycles don’t die. The bicycle rider has no real protection.

Why should I ride a bicycle? Better for my health???

Sure my health will be of great concern after colliding with a 3000 pound object at 30 mph or more, as the internal organs pop like grapes inside. Dental records to identify me after the facial features are scraped off my skull from the pavement.

Why should I ride a bicycle? Better for the environment?

The only way it will save the environment is one less person on the planet consuming natural resources. After being killed by heavy objects that could crush me. But that can happen at any time without riding a bicycle in the traffic. Seems to me the odds of survival are greatly diminished when one hops on their eco friendly mode of transport.

I remember as a kid, if ya’ got told to go play in traffic it was an invitation to go get hurt or die.

I see riders everyday disobeying the rules of the game called traffic. I see drivers do it as well. I must say it seems like a fantasy to get on a bicycle and think you will be treated with respect and that others are going to be paying attention to you. The oblivious people are not only in cars.

In our rapidly growing self absorbed smart phone distracted way of life, getting on a bicycle is simply not smart. You might think I am part of the problem for those who wish to play in traffic.

The difference is I’m not playing in traffic nor do I wish to ask anyone to go play in traffic. It is not a game to operate a high speed object that has the potential to extinguish life. It is for real. Not a game. I do wish the bicycle advocates would start to see that.

I thought of getting a bicycle for the fun of it a while ago. Because really that is what it boils down to they can be fun to ride, but it is no fun to ride amongst distracted angry drivers that have the ability to mow me down.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny you posted this so shortly after I was driving home nearly missing a cyclist who was blatently disregarding his life, limb, and LAW. Some of these cylists should wear Superman costumes to portray thier attitudes of invincibility. A designated bike lane is there for a reason... use it! However, if you're gonna take that chance, don't think for a second that the solid white line will save your life. Cycling is great excersise, but I don't suggest using that mode of transportation during rush hour, or on busy streets where the speed limit exceeds 25 or 30 mph. Your life is in your own hands. Sure, you may have the "right of way", but that may just be the "right of way with a direct line to the mourge!"
