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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Take credit.

Beware! The following might make one question themselves. On the other hand, it might be too abrasive for those who are sensitive to the questions that will be asked.

Since I was about 17, I would hear people say, “I’ll pray for you...”. To me, it was akin to saying, “The check is in the mail!”. In other words, they didn’t do jack and they weren’t going to either. That one phrase taught me a lesson in human behavior indeed. Please don’t pray for me, send cash; it is far more useful.

A lot of tragedy has happened in the human experience. After much study, I’ve concluded that people need to better understand the option that, the will of people is strong. We all face options, choices each and every day we draw air into our lungs. With choice comes responsibility. If one makes a poor choice, that person gets to pay the price; at least that's what I’ve been taught. I don’t get to hide behind a theory that I get a do over. (Conscience wont allow it. Nor mans' law.) I may be forgiven, but the penalty will be there in some form or another.

I’ve grown very tired of the phrase “It’s gods' will...”. I also question those who go through life with the idea that god gets the credit for the good and not the bad. When in the hell are people going to start taking responsibility for their actions? Not to mention calling god out for screwing up. Where was this god when the hill slid due to the rain; the reign of god was pitiful and weak. All powerful? Then why are people talking about suing people, god can’t be sued last I checked.

I do something that many appreciate and some suggest I get no claim or credit for it because it was gods' will? I do something wrong, heinous, horrific and it is, at the very least, my will...or demonic possession? That is a rigged game if you ask me. It sets people up to forever feel less than. In some circles, that is an abusive, dysfunctional relationship.

I’ve heard and read stories about how god teaches people lessons. OK, well let's look at that for a moment. That really long book tells stories of gods' vengeance that wipes out large sections of a population of sinners. Yet nobody -NOBODY- ever suggests that after a “tragedy” (flood, fire, etc.). Why is that? If it was gods' will, well, then all the victims are sinners? You do the math.

Perhaps with the whole “gods' will” logic, every time there is a mass killing/tragedy/ weather related disaster, it is gods' will/plan to wipe out that section of the population. There is written history of such claims. It is a logical conclusion if the logic is in play. What? No, can’t be? I don’t get it. Stands to reason that some people who have fallen were believers in a faith of some sort. Sadly, faith didn’t protect them from being buried alive. Did it? Where was this god when the hill slid?

The "gods' will" logic leads to the conclusion that god was watching the amount of rain that night in Oso. WA. An all knowing god. An all loving god could never bury the faithful alive, or could It? ("It" being god. I‘m not gender-biased on the concept.)

The tragedy of the recent, massive mudslide in Oso, WA is truly horrific. Some might suggest, of Biblical proportion. People are already making noises that it was, in part, the result of mans' mismanagement of the hillside logging practices. Well how about the enormous amount of rainfall? Where was this god? Was the rain mans' will as well? Was that a result of mans' pollution? (That suggests a climate change argument.) I heard the other day, “It was gods' will...” and that the ever famous cliché that the victims “have gone to a better place”. Yeah? Really? Says who? Humans, that who. I didn’t hear from the shrubs outside the door.

Unless, of course, one thinks that god speaks to us through people. What people, I wonder? And how do they get direct connect with god anyway? Is it a lottery? Because that burning bush just doesn’t seem to have the connection all that often. Many have left messages yet to be returned. Maybe the voicemail is full?

Think about this for a moment: if I said that god speaks to me and I hear Its' word, many would have me committed. Or, I could start a cult and hope for tax exemption. Or, I could use it as a defense for the murder of sinners. Yeah, I’ll hang for it (at least in Washington State ya hang for murder most of the time (unless you’re a cop)).

Americans scoffed at the idea that Allah had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. They were quick to agree, in their outrage, that those who believe in jihad were obviously insane, religious zealots. How is it any different than those who continually promote the concept, “It’s gods' will...”?

I find it personally insulting to bring god into the discussion of what has happened in the human bungling that has gone on forever. I find it personally insulting to not give credit where credit was, and is obviously due. Take pride in your accomplishments. Take responsibility for your errors. By the way, taking responsibility is something one can take pride in. Knowing that, I’m grateful. Grateful to all those who have crossed my path; yeah, grateful to all. Without you, I wouldn’t have learned these lessons.

My condolences to those who have lost loved ones in the history of the earth. May the world know peace.

Chris J Hutchins
All rights reserved. 

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