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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sadly, gluttony is still overlooked.

The way I see it is simple: Tax on tobacco is OK. Tax on alcohol is OK. Both are so evil it must be OK to tax them heavily. Anything that is causing poor health and raising health care costs that are absorbed by the populace, well it only makes sense to have the tax on such dangerous poisons that people willingly ingest. It makes total sense. Wouldn’t you agree?

Sadly, gluttony is still overlooked. Obesity is a huge health issue. But very few want to look at it as a serious issue. Junk food is junk. It offers no nutritional value. It promotes an unhealthy body. I have been fuming about the soda pop & the junk food industry for years. Diet soda? Bah! Look at the amount of sodium in a can of diet pop. Fast food chains are nothing more than toxic sludge refueling stations. They promote lethargic, obese, diabetics of the future. Who is going to absorb the costs of such poor diet choices?

The so-called rich are nothing more than a group of fear mongers who are afraid that people will rise up against their greed. They profit from the masses being unhealthy. As long as the masses are lulled into a lethargic trance by the horrible chemicals they ingest at a low price, the outcry will sadly be limited. Yet I shall not be silenced nor lulled into the trance.

The tax laws are not designed to actually take care of the people of the country. They are designed to keep the bootheel on the neck of the impoverished. If the populace is kept in a hypnotic trance of antidepressants and corn syrup, the rebellion factor is diminished. The way this country is eating is astounding and depressing. Once the high of the sugar is not enough, the idea that there is more to help lull and numb the populace is presented in sexy ads for alcohol disguised as a social ritual…one that is welcomed.

Portion control is against the norm. Why do you think so many products nowadays are only offered in large quantity? “Big Grab, Big Gulp, Family Pack, 40 oz. Malt Liquors, etc, etc. Restaurants that serve platters instead of a plate and call it dinner for one. How about the pancake place that was serving cheese cake between pancakes? When will it stop? When the consumer can no longer afford it. Actually, the consumers can’t afford it any further. It is killing them slowly, pound by pound.

Are there forces that are looking to commit a mass genocide by toxic eating habits? Call me what you will as you chew on your wonder meat called pepperoni. How many need to speak out to get actual change? A practice that is killing people. Your lord knows that taxing it has been met by scare tactics. Funded by who? Who gained by repealing the taxes? With the suffering economy, how is taking taxes away from products that offer zero nutritional value a bad thing? Yes, I pose many questions. I do not claim to have the medical nor scientific background to fully understand the absolute destruction that is being perpetrated upon the populace. However, I do know a rat when I see one.

Look, it boils down to this: Poison is poison. I really do not care what package you put it in. However, as a consumer of goods that are supposed to be food, I have a right to know that it is poison. For your gods sake, I cannot buy a R&R album without being warned that it has words that are offensive (offensive to you, not me). I cannot go to a movie without some sort of warning. For the love of your god, it is stamped into guns that they are dangerous - like I did not know any better. So how about labeling the food that is of zero value? If the food offers nothing, then by all means tax it the same way that alcohol and tobacco are being taxed! Use your so called sin tax! Please, warn me of the dangers! I would have never have known that a toaster pastry would have a hot filling inside that could cause me harm if it were not for the warning labels. But the producer of the same toaster pastry fails to warn me of the dangers of the chemicals that one is about to put into their body. How dare you!!!

Tax candy. Tax soda pop. Tax all fast food restaurants. Tax any restaurant that is serving mass quantities posing as a single portion. Taxing gluttony is not a bad thing. It is one of your seven deadly sins is it not? So why not tax it accordingly? It may even bring awareness to the fact that some people have a choice to not overstuff themselves with horrible toxic sludge posing as food. Or was it not so far off the mark when I asked about a subtle mass genocide? Or continue down the path your on. Watch the undernourished fall one by one. The cause of death will not be the poisonous food they ate but cardiac arrest, diabetes, colon cancer, cancer of some sort.

The cancer we all are fighting is dishonesty brought to you by the wealthy that feed us their toxic sludge posing as food. Animals riddled with growth hormones that are causing human complications. And look at the tax base we are missing! The taxes that could be raised could go back to the medical industry. The medical industry that will be taking care of all the victims of the corporate toxic sludge. As I have been asking for a while now: Are the politicians just stoned or are they just stupid? I think they are nothing more than greedy, soulless, fearful people who have little respect for you and I. Sorry if this offends you but, to sit in silence is far more offensive. Far more.

For anyone laughing at this point , if you even made it this far, remember this: There are some now who are shaking and wondering how to stop this message in the land of the free on this day of gratitude.

Now please excuse me while I go be a good patriot; paying my taxes by smoking with a drink in hand.

The revolution is available for the taking. Have you had enough? Have you?


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Dog Hair Productions

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