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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snail mail delivered the lay off notices to many state workers.

I wonder how voters feel about voting people out of jobs? Jobs that offer a living wage and a retirement plan. Well if you voted to take the state out of liquor sales be proud. Because that is what you did. Bravo more people out of work.

The elite pulled a fast one on those who voted for the state liquor stores to close up. Of course the elite prefer a populace that is intoxicated. They are much easier to manipulate and control. Now with the state out of it, we all can breathe free knowing that private enterprise is going to be in control of the controlled substance. Somebody’s lord knows it wasn’t working before. What a relief I can go to the store at midnight to buy a bottle of eighty proof or more. Somebody’s lord knows that, that is what the state needs. More opportunity for more drunk drivers. Hells bells a DUI conviction is about what ten or twelve grand now a days. Cottage industry for the state.

The arguments about safety etc. etc. think for a minute. The state had their stores and their staff. A very controlled environment for the sole purpose of the sale of liquor. That was it. A minor, walking into a liquor store stood out like a sore thumb. There was no other reason for “kids” to be in the store unattended. Young people/ minors / teenagers are going to have easier access. Brilliant! Of course I know that the ones who disagree seem to think that people will do the right thing and protect the youth. Yeah right… That happens everyday.

In a nation where youth still despite all the public education, mange to get pregnant. They hide it from people then after the birth of the baby simply toss it into a dumpster to let the baby die. (Ahem this is a future voter.)

Lets see more access to booze…More meaning that the sales of liquor will have a new set of hours unlike what the state stores have done in the past. A buzzed/ drunk 22 year old, an older sibling or whatever hanging around some 14 to18 year olds, say after 9:pm on any ol’ night. C’mon you have been there you know what is going to happen. Oh lets keep the scenario interesting it is a co-ed get together. Nope could never happen, it won’t happen. There won’t be any increase in teen drinking all hype. Then nine months later *POOF* as if by magic. Another baby born with alcohol fetal syndrome.

So lets up the anti. Take the state out of the education business. Abolish public schools. Their failure at preventing teen pregnancy is evident. Privatize it, the sooner the better. The people of the community will rise to the challenge, they would! You know that they would, if only the state would get out of the way.

Lets go further I don’t want to pay for municipal police & fire, that should be private as well. Put those people in education and public safety out of work strip their pensions. Let the people take care of themselves. I mean why not? The WA. voter has already demonstrated they don’t see taking jobs and pensions away as any sort of obstacle. They have done it and seem to be happy about it.

Jails/ prisons now there is another state/ county/ city institution that might as well be a private enterprise as well. We don’t need all this intrusion and those pesky checks and balances, they are cumbersome to our freedoms.

Again if only we the people were allowed our freedom we could hire and monitor ourselves. Free from the boot heel of oppression of the state on the backs of our necks.

While we are at it no more public transit. Think of all the money that will be saved. More to go to Costco with, to buy that free enterprise booze. Lets let privatization take over prisons, public safety, public transportation, and education. Oh wait a minute, no more county hospitals either. The sick in this country is already of no actual relevance, for the love of Sam that is clearly evident. The logic is the same. It is about state / government intrusion and stifling free enterprise. After all the people will rise up to the challenge and do the right thing. Yeah right.

Yes indeed the voter showed themselves for what they are, by coming to this conclusion that the state has no business in the control of a controlled substance. Some of the 99% have spoken. Well pleasant dreams knowing that the voter could care less for a group of the 99% who worked at the liquor stores and at the control board. Some of the 99% voted for more access to booze. While having zero regard for those who will be unemployed and the loss of their pensions that they paid into for years. I wonder if those who voted these people out of work are going to be willing help even one of those displaced? Well they might? It could happen… Yeah right.

The 99% was duped by the 1% yet again. I wonder if those same voters would be for the dismantling of the public education system? Well we already know that, that would be simply unfair to the all the teachers that paid into a pension.

Oh! Before anyone starts banging the drum about as to whether or not I played the game this year… Stop. I have every right to complain. Ahem I am a tax payer just like you.

I did not play the game. Like George Carlin said “you can’t blame me I didn’t vote for this…” or something like that. I refused. I offered my vote to the highest bidder nobody was interested in even buying my vote. Primarily I will not vote any further due to the fact that I have to put my trust in the USPS to get my vote counted. Yeah right… The check is in the mail.

So let me understand this, we the voters in this technologically advanced civilization are going to snail mail as a form of voting? Excuse me? Really? We in WA. Have that little ol’ computer company and we are going to snail mail? Yeah I’m going to trust that mail carrier to get the ballot there. For the last many weeks I have had trouble getting snail mail delivered and I am going to trust something as sacred as the vote to the likes of the USPS. Yeah right.

The ability to have polling booths that are linked is not that much of stretch you know. We have the technology.

As my Father would say… “Balls & crutches…” I don’t trust that the votes are accurately counted for the most part and now have to have a bigger leap of faith that the USPS is going to deliver it?

I mucked about for over a year with the I.R.S. on a matter of great economic importance. Who was the culprit in the huge waste of time? You got it the USPS. And now I am being told to trust the same organization to deliver the ballot? Balls & crutches indeed.

To the WA. voters that voted for the liquor state control board to get out of the liquor business. Well it shall be interesting to see what the numbers look like in the next few years. I truly hope I am wrong and the utopian of privatization of liquor sales works for the best.

To the workers who are about to lose their jobs and pensions. I wish all the displaced workers all the best. Maybe the private sector will be hiring with an even better wage and a better pension, now that the government has had one of it’s departments abolished. It could happen…

To those who were going to retire in the next five or so years, and just lost your pensions. Well you know who to blame. But I’m sure your neighbor who mailed their ballot that cost you your job and pension will take you in. Yeah right.


All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

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