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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It’s just for fun…Until money is involved then it gets personal!

It comes down to this… I think, some people are only in love with an idea, not the actual reality. When reality hits they find out it is work.

When trying to avoid potential problems in a project. I always ask what the participants are expecting. Most of the time I get a shrug. I try to be very clear about the reality of the project and that I want no disputes over numbers later on down the road. Compensation etc. Or what is owed monetarily.

It is during the inception of an idea that the doubters come along and assist with the idea or attitude that the project will go nowhere. Spouting all sorts of love and support as long as they are not associated with any failed projects. No backing no support. Complaints of even being associated with the projects. Requests to have their names removed from the credits. In my attempt to accommodate them, it is best to remove the credits and hope for the best.

But when the checks come in who is first in line demanding their cut? Those same who doubted any actual outcome, then all of a sudden they espouse how much they believed in the idea… Bullocks, pure un adulterated fertilizer. I find it funny and ask, “was that when you adamantly complained about be associated with the project that you were such a believer? Or was it when you found out that there was serious commerce involved?” The real kicker is when asked to produce any documents (that they turned down) they get rather frustrated and cry that they were scammed.

If you cut yourself off don’t come skulking around later expecting any compensation. I asked if you wanted it in writing, you said, “No, no need I’m just doing this for fun…” Well then here is a flat rate for time given. Now go… Have fun!

Always work out the numbers/ points/ percentages, ahead of time so much easier up front then later on. Or simply accept the one time payment for your time.

You really know who your friends are when people see you as a pauper.

All rights reserved
Chris J Hutchins
Dog Hair Productions

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