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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Good, bad, responsible, irresponsible, too many bullets, not enough bullets, assault weapons, sporting weapons, “A well regulated militia...” One man militia stock piled to the hilt. An armed citizenry will stop tyranny. Less regulation, more regulation, tragedy, self protection. How long would it take to obtain a new gun with a paper trail? How long does it take to obtain a gun in a private sale with no paper trail? Lock them up, trigger locks, keep them loaded and at the ready in the night stand, accidental discharge, planned attacks, post guards, arm teachers, open carry, concealed carry, hydra shock, full metal jacket, hollow point, buck shot, bird shot, Bambi does not wear Kevlar. Shoot to stop, shoot to kill, aim low, aim high, don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. If you own a gun you’re crazy, if you own a gun you’re prepared, if you own a gun you’re asking for trouble, if you own a gun you’re safe from trouble. I’m not the problem it’s the crazy people that are the problem, I’m different... End gun violence, guns don’t kill people, people with guns kill, if there were no guns we no longer have gun violence, end the violence, end the senseless killings, better mental health background checks. Lone gunman, conspiracy, massive new world order plots. Sue the gun makers, sue the gun owners, (it’s getting near end...) if you own a gun or two or more... Whoopty Fricken Zippity Doo Dah Day. Relax the gun new world order police will not find you.

Exhausting isn’t it... What if all this energy in this circular debate (that will not have a conclusion) was put into ending hunger? Health care reforms? Education? Energy reform? Housing? Or??? How about peace? Your choice.

If you want to argue with me about guns from either side... “Get off my lawn.” I got others things to do with my energy. For starters the birds need something in their feeders.

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