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Saturday, February 5, 2011

The days blend along. Not woven just bleed together.

How many times did I pass thru the looking glass before I realized that what I once knew as truth was nothing but a series of fabrications. Designed to lull everyone into a trance. Now that e trance is broken have I merely changed seats on an already sinking ship? Is this simply another trance yet broken?

Was asked the other day… “Do you believe in miracles?” Response: “After all the crud I have done to myself over the years and had happen to me… and I get asked that question? The fricken miracle is I still get to answer it! Uhh that would be "yes.”

The last time I was that much of a daredevil I dared the devil. Pfft! Silly devil was a wanker. I was not impressed. You could say I poured a glass of ice water all over his sorry butt.
                              **I like options. It helps me dither with out too much guilt.**
Was asked the other day… “What do you think of the bible?” Response: “I have no problem with the book. The problem is those who read from this particular collection of stories and spread their ‘interpretation‘ of it. I see them as a Bible distortionist. Read it for your self make up your own mind.”

Rather than bicker about what side said what etc. etc. How about confront the truth? Perhaps when the hungry out number the pacified. After seeing something such as this I wonder why governments would think of controlling the internet? Bah no matter I still got cable.

Natural selection? Thinning of the herd, hmm??? Perhaps not what is next but rather, whom? Who?

Saw on the news the other night that blame has been assigned for the BP oil disaster. Whoopee! No surprise about who did it. The point is lost when looking for blame. The point is to not let it happen again and is there a way to clean up the mess?

It will be many years or generations before all the data is in. I think the birds & the fish could very well be the result of the toxic sludge. Not only from the gulf but as stated above, from all the toxic ways of living that gets belched into the air and water everyday.

After wiping out indigenous peoples that were in tune with living with earth. The past assassins handed their offspring a legacy of greed and destruction. Blindly many followed their greedy lessons and now those that sit in positions of wealth and pull the strings continue to turn their eyes and ears away from their responsibility. They will write a check for pennies on the dollar, to the figure heads that sit on boards of confusion and regulation, when it is over.

Mean while a gallon of fuel will go up in price. While all the goods and services go up because of the ever rising fuel costs. Figure heads will talk tough to pacify those who could potentially organize and rise up to the ruling class. It is a juggling act that they are very good at.

The fact is we just do not know as of yet. But if we don’t ponder and think that it is simply all cleaned up and all over scares some including me more than anything.
A mess of that magnitude does not just go away. Like it, disagree with it or not where did all that oil go? It was absorbed by not just the skimmers.

I understand the skepticism. I do. But when one begins to see how things are all interconnected it can be rather daunting. To suggest that the spill, the multiple days of the crude being pumped into the gulf waters had little nor any long lasting effect seems rather simple. Sometimes life is simply not that simple. I wish it was.

Not sure. I don’t recall hearing as much as I did that annoying unfinished sentence, “Just saying…” Saying what for crying out loud. Jeebus finish the fricken sentence.

Another couple of phrases that is tired to me that is… “Really?” “Seriously?” When ever those phrases get tossed in my direction I wonder why is it they are asking that? If I start to explain they usually cut me off and say… “Yeah, yeah, I know, I believe it’s just… Really???”

True story… Had this “high” school teacher who was probably in his mid 30’s this was back in the early eighties. He got rather annoyed with me. (no surprise I know) I was, shall we say not very punctual for his class. In his attempt to set me on the right path he said one day… “Mr. Hutchins you obviously can tell time, I know this because judging by your state of mind you are never late to meet the person who is selling you the marijuana that you always seem to smell of when ever you are late for my class. Now stop being late you have no excuse, your watch obviously is working.” This was prior to Nancy Reagan’s “Just say no” stuff. “High” school it mostly went up in smoke.

Hand me the remote got some catch up to with that show about real housewives.


Dog Hair Productions

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