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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sexual predators… What rights do they have?

I am opposed to violence... However in dealing with sexual predators… What would you suggest? How about this?

Once convicted first offense should be a minimum of 30 years to life. No option for parole. No parole hearings nothing the convicted does the thirty years. Before any possibility of a parole board hearing. With the possibility that the convicted may not get paroled.

Wesley Allen Dodd said before his execution, that he resorted to killing his victims to avoid capture so that he would stop having to deal with going to more rehabilitation courses. He said the courses were of no use. So his logic took him to the next level of abuse against his victims. Wesley Allen Dodd’s story should be required reading for anyone asking questions that pertain to this subject. It truly revealed how the mind of a predator works. Chilling, sobering, it pushed all the B.S. aside. He called out all the predators onto the carpet with his confessions. He clearly pointed out that the system failed and is flawed. Hence why after one conviction… See ya’ in 30 years ‘if’ you survive prison.

If the convicted sexual predator does manage to serve the thirty years and gets out and is convicted a second time. Life without the possibility for parole. End of story. Debating the death penalty is tiresome due to the fact that the death penalty simply will not prevent anything. That has been proven. Simply look at the murder rate. Not to mention that it allows the predator an out.

The problem is almost all sexual predators are simply wired wrong. They can not be trusted nor expected to change who they are. Anymore than one could tell me I was to change my sexual orientation because tomorrow it will be against the law. Absolute nonsense… Think about it for a minute, your sexual orientation is now against the law tomorrow. So how do you shut off the mechanism in your brain that dictates what you are sexually aroused by. See what I am getting at?

I am not passing any judgment on consenting adults. Adults means over the age of 18. That does mean that woman who go after under age boys are subject to the same guidelines. Across the board once concessions start being made based on gender we go back to the ineffective system that allows predators to roam free in society.

Just to clear this up and to point it out again. “No” “Stop” “Don’t” is not to be ignored. Once it is said out loud it is no longer two consenting adults. It has changed to a crime... The consequences for that crime need to be harsh. Otherwise the passive system of justice will continue to look the other way. The victim will be minimized again and again. Resulting in fear to even report the crime.

The notion that a rape victim was asking to be traumatized is absolutely appalling to me. Nobody asks to be tortured. I am not sure what is worse the notion that the victim asked for it or the people who suggest it and believe it. That sounds like the rationalization the predator makes prior to their victimizing the object of their abuse.

So it is my humble, along with outraged opinion that sexual predators have no place in society. The idea that laws could be relaxed on the definition of rape should have the citizens in the street. We should be crying out for stricter laws that put sexual predators away and out of society. There simply is no excuse for a so called civilized society to allow the leniency that the laws currently do. It is absolute madness.

If you’re a parent what would you do if your child was attacked? What if your partner / spouse was attacked? A relative? A friend? Would you truly think that the attacker should be allowed a pass, or two, three, four?

If you think I am not being very compassionate, please note I did not suggest torturing the predator nor did I suggest killing them. I suggested removing them from free society. After all what freedoms should a sexual predator have any way. They demonstrate time and time again that they have no regard for their victims freedom.


Dog Hair Productions

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